


肉毒杆菌 is a prescription medicine that a cosmetic specialist injects into your muscles. It temporarily blocks the nerves that make your facial muscles contract. 该工艺改善了外观 面部皱纹和细纹 由年龄或面部表情引起的. 肉毒杆菌素还可以治疗其他健康问题, 比如某些类型的运动障碍, 严重腋下出汗, 或者膀胱过度活跃.


  • 额头上的皱纹,
  • 眉毛之间的皱纹形状像“11”,
  • 鱼尾纹环绕着你的双眼
  • 皱眉,
  • 下垂的眉毛皮肤,和
  • 脸上的其他皱纹和细纹. 
Facial wrinkles that are good options for 肉毒杆菌 or other neuromodulators

为什么选择U - Health?

Our cosmetic specialists at U of U Health are highly qualified with training and experience beyond regional 整形外科服务. We offer 肉毒杆菌 consultations and procedures at the same appointment. We have a range of specialists trained to perform this procedure, from plastic surgeons to 美容皮肤科医生 以及医师助理. 


肉毒杆菌不是填充物. It is a muscle relaxer made from a toxin called bacterium clostridium botulinum. 它只能通过处方用于医药用途. This includes nonsurgical cosmetic procedures like facial injections.

Both 肉毒杆菌 and fillers are injectables used to treat wrinkles on the face. Their effects last about three to 12 months and require routine appointments to maintain the desired results. 

Xeomin vs. Dysport vs. 肉毒杆菌

Choosing Xeomin, Dysport, or 肉毒杆菌 depends on your desired result and medical history. All three of these injectables are forms of the botulinum toxin. They produce results that last about the same length of time (three to six months), but each type has a different cost and amount needed to be effective. 

  • Xeomin-本注射剂不含添加剂. 肉毒杆菌毒素是唯一的成分. 比起《大发娱乐》,它所需要的单位更少. xuomin大约需要四天的时间才能显示结果. 
  • Dysport—This injection type can help reduce the appearance of nearby tiny wrinkles. Dysport requires more units to be effective than Xeomin and 肉毒杆菌. 因为它 需要更大的注射量, it has a higher risk of spreading to muscles that are not the targets of the injection site. 这种注射见效快,24小时内见效. It costs less than Xeomin or 肉毒杆菌, but Dysport requires more injections per site. 
  • 肉毒杆菌—This injection is less likely to migrate out of the injection site. It is the most commonly used injectable that leads to excellent and consistent results. 肉毒杆菌 takes about 3-14 days for results to become fully visible.

Talk to one of our cosmetic specialists trained in 肉毒杆菌 and other injectables to determine the best product for your needs.


肉毒杆菌 is a good option for people who want to reduce the appearance of fine 行 and wrinkles on their face. If you’re experiencing serious health issues, consult with your provider first.


Medical experts recommend against getting 肉毒杆菌 while breastfeeding or pregnant. 


Every person develops wrinkles at different times in their lives. 有些人在20岁出头的时候皱纹会更明显, 而其他人可能要到30多岁才能见到他们. 肉毒杆菌 can help prevent dynamic wrinkles from becoming more permanent. 出于这个原因,有些人选择早早开始使用肉毒杆菌 当你注意到额头上深深的水平线时, 眉毛内部的垂直线, 或者眼睛周围有太多的鱼尾纹, it might be time to start 肉毒杆菌 injections to reduce these visible signs of aging.


When administered by a plastic surgeon at U of U Health, each 肉毒杆菌 unit costs $12. 一个典型的治疗包括30个单位,或者总共360美元. 

Call and tell our appointment scheduler what type of 肉毒杆菌 treatment you want. They can find out the number of units you’ll need and estimate the total cost for your treatment. 

保险 does not cover 肉毒杆菌 injections for cosmetic enhancements.


对于标准的肉毒杆菌注射程序,你只需要预约一次. 告诉大发娱乐的调度员皱纹的类型, 行, 或者其他你想要治疗的缺陷, 他们会据此安排你的预约. 一旦你和整形外科医生或私人助理在办公室, they will determine the number of injections and administer them the same day. 



肉毒杆菌素治疗是门诊手术. It is minimally invasive, mildly painful, and requires little aftercare. Our provider will ask what result you would like and discuss your goals. 整个过程大约需要一个小时. 你可以自己开车上下班.


You may feel some discomfort, but the needles are thin and small, so no pain medication is necessary. Topical numbing medicine is sometimes used if you frequently get 肉毒杆菌 injections. Some patients choose to take over-the-counter pain relievers such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol before coming to their appointment.


手术前, 告诉你的医生你目前正在服用的药物, 比如肌肉松弛剂, 安眠药, 或者过敏药. Blood thinners can increase your risk of bleeding or bruising during 肉毒杆菌 treatment, so you may need to stop taking them several days before your appointment. 

Let our provider know about any past 肉毒杆菌 procedures you’ve had and the amount of 肉毒杆菌 you received. 这给了大发娱乐一个可以使用的肉毒杆菌毒素的基线量.



  • 轻微的擦伤,
  • 面部肌肉越来越弱,
  • 减少面部表情的范围,
  • 毒素会迁移并渗透到附近区域,而且
  • 神经系统影响(罕见).


The injections usually begin working within one to three days after your treatment. It’s normal to still have full function of your facial muscles immediately after your treatment. 可能需要长达一周的时间才能获得完全的治疗效果.


The results from your procedure usually last about three to six months. 这种影响会随着时间的推移而逐渐消失, so establishing a routine maintenance program for receiving additional treatments is a good idea.


Since 肉毒杆菌 is minimally invasive, it requires little to no aftercare. 你可以恢复正常活动了, 包括家务, 锻炼, 做完手术后马上工作. 


不要按摩你接受注射的部位. 这可能会导致毒素扩散到其他地方. 不需要其他特别的预防措施.


注射肉毒杆菌后可以立即躺下. Your body position will not affect the overall result of the injections. 


You can do mild to moderate 锻炼 immediately after your 肉毒杆菌 procedure. Intense 锻炼 routines should be delayed a full 24 hours after your treatment. 恢复期不需要身体休息.

Dana Johns, MD, talks about 肉毒杆菌 Brow Lifts on Good Things Utah


