


头盔, 护目镜, 正确安装设备, water and snacks—these are essentials as you get ready for a day on the slopes. A helmet will protect your head if you fall, and equipment that fits you will make the day easier on your body. But what are some simple ways to ensure you don't end up hurt at the end of the day?

特拉维斯Maak,医学博士,副教授 骨科 at 犹他健康大学, is here to provide insight into how you can prevent the injuries that may occur on the mountain. These questions were submitted through 犹他州滑雪的 Instagram.

What are the best pre-ski practices?

The best pre-ski practices are advance quadriceps/hamstring (thigh), 臀部(臀部), and abdominal (core) muscle strengthening. Str等hing in advance and warming up the muscles is always a great way to start the day. I would encourage you to perform largely lower body str等hing and even considering a gentle exercise bike routine in the morning to warm up the muscles before a big ski day.

How important is it to be healthy and strong for 伤害预防?

Healthy nutrition and overall cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) health is extremely important for 伤害预防. Fatigue and muscle strain are primary contributing factors to sporting injury. The most common types of injuries occur to early muscle fatigue and "getting that last run in" when it's the first ski season day or end of the day. These types of injuries can be minimized by avoiding the exercise rollercoaster ride. Instead, off-season strength and conditioning should be employed. If you haven't been able to do that due to 新型冠状病毒肺炎 或者其他限制, I would suggest starting your season slowly and then working into it rather than going zero to 60 on the first day.

Where can I find a list of the best str等hes for snowboarders?

There are a number of great strength and conditioning exercises for skiers and snowboarders. These are quite different and thus the types of exercises should be tailored. 滑雪 requires a large amount of buttock, core, and thigh strength. Str等hing of the lower back and hamstrings are of particular importance for 滑雪 due to the mechanism of turning and to avoid injury when falling. I would encourage you to consider enrolling in our 季前赛类.

What is the best way to strengthen your MCL and ACL for ski season?

不幸的是, the ACL and MCL ligaments cannot be "strengthened" in the classic sense as they are more like a rope than a muscle that can be changed with exercise. 话虽如此, there are some great ways to avoid ACL and MCL injuries that utilize muscle strengthening to stabilize the dynamics of the knee. 最好的运动包括深蹲, 腿的新闻, 腿筋的卷发, 膝盖的扩展, 增强式运动(方框跳), 等.). Plyometrics, in particular, have been shown to significantly reduce the risk of ACL injury.

Any quick daily exercises you recommend?

The best daily exercises that can be done easily at home without specialized equipment include straight leg raises, 墙坐, 盒子里跳, and weighted squats (put some water jugs or cans in a backpack). And then perform the squats with the backpack on.

What can I do the help my knees before/after 滑雪?

Warming up the knees with gentle exercise prior to 滑雪 impact is always a good activity. Consider an exercise bike or bike trainer for 30 minutes prior to hitting the hill. 当你从漫长的一天回来, using cold therapy such as ice packs or frozen peas can also help with post-滑雪 soreness. The best thing you can do above all is else make sure when your knees and legs start to get tired at the end of the day—stop! 别跑最后一程. This is when your muscles are fatigued and the impact goes directly to your knee ligaments increasing the risk of injury. Hit the cold and then hot tub instead.

I've been struggling with bad shin splints, even during 滑雪, and nothing is working. 提示?

Shin splints is a unique term that is typically used to describe pain in the front of the shin bone (tibia) with impact loading such as 滑雪, 运行, 等. It can occur with 滑雪 for a different reason—poorly fitted boots or 滑雪 in a far forward leg position. This can put a large amount of stress at the interface between the top of your boot and the front of your shin. I would suggest considering getting your boots checked or refitted. 如果你已经这样做了, consider changing the incline on your boots a little more toward your heel. 如果这还不能解决问题, and you're experiencing pain with other activities besides 滑雪, then I would consider getting a plain x-ray of your leg to make sure there isn't a small crack that might need treatment.

Being on the mountain is a wonderful way to enjoy the outdoors, but with any activity comes risk. Understanding these risks in advance can help you take the extra precautions to keep yourself safe while soaring down the mountain. 希望,在博士的大发娱乐下. 特拉维斯Maak, you will enjoy a safe winter season.