



奥运会和残奥会 被认为是运动员成功的顶峰. 每两年一次, 全世界都在收看11,000+ athletes representing 206 nations compete in 33 different sports. 每两年一次, Olympic and Paralympic athletes compete on the biggest stages of their career, 他们在哪里?, 至少, 希望他们表现得最好.

如果那不发生怎么办? What if an athlete gets physically hurt or tests positive for COVID-19? What if an athlete is struggling with something that we can't see, like their 心理健康?

随着2020年东京奥运会和残奥会的开始, it's time we bring 心理健康 to the podium—not only for the benefit of athletes but for the coaches, 工作人员, 团队, 和观众.

当谈到运动员和心理健康时, 杰森·亨齐克,医学博士成人精神科主任 亨茨曼心理健康研究所他是一位专家. 最近, Hunziker was on a panel at the Second International Think Tank on Athlete Mental Health, held on the initiative of the International Society of Sport Psychology. During this panel, Hunziker and many other top minds in the field created a 共识声明 on athlete 心理健康 specifically in the Olympic/Paralympic quadrennium. Hunziker's career as a psychiatrist has exposed him to the culture and stigma of 心理健康 in elite athletes.

According to scientific research reported by the 国际奥林匹克委员会, "心理健康 disorders affect up to 35 percent of elite athletes at some point in their career."


Dr. 亨齐克接受了大发娱乐的简短提问&关于奥运舞台上的心理健康文化, what 团队 and countries can do to ensure athletes are supported both physically and mentally, 和更多的.

根据你和优秀运动员的合作经验, how does competing at the highest-level impact their 心理健康?

·亨泽尔: Every athlete is different in how they handle the stress of competing at the highest level. Olympic/Paralympic athletes from the United States have many challenges as they are considered amateur athletes. 的 United States government does not provide support for Olympic athletes and therefore money comes from donation, 兼职工作, 广告商, 家庭成员, 当他们试图训练时,哪些会产生额外的压力. 训练强度, 营养, 良好的睡眠都会影响压力负荷, 哪些会影响心理健康. 整体, 奥运会运动员承受着巨大的压力, which can lead to increasing 心理健康 issues such as depression, 焦虑, 强迫症, 饮食失调, 以及物质使用障碍.

Are elite athletes at a higher risk of struggling with 心理健康 compared to others?

·亨泽尔: 的re are challenges when trying to understand the prevalence of psychiatric disorders in elite athletes for several reasons (cultural 差异, 缺乏参照组, 差异, 正在使用的仪器, 和其他人). So, depending on what information you look at, you will see different numbers. 然而, 就像在普通人群中看到的那样, gender appears to play a role in the prevalence of 心理健康 issues and elite athletes. 你可能猜到了, female elite athletes have a higher prevalence of 饮食失调 than their male counterparts. Male elite athletes who participate in team sports have a higher rate of 焦虑 and depression than male athletes who participate in individual sports. 到今天为止,有 没有全面的框架 or model of care to support and respond to the 心理健康 needs of elite athletes.

的re does appear to be some correlation to increased 心理健康 symptoms in elite athletes that suffer multiple injuries or undergo surgeries that lead to decreased sports performance.


Do you think it is important and beneficial to include 心理健康 professionals on elite 团队 and Team USA?

·亨泽尔: 绝对. I think athletes at every level should have just as much access to 心理健康 services as they do medical/sports medicine services. I think there should be a requirement that all athletes be screened so that there is a good baseline of their overall 心理健康. If concerns are recognized, they should be referred immediately for more extensive evaluation. It also makes sense that if there is a change in the normal day-to-day life of an athlete (family emergency, 财政资源的变化, 事件的损失, 损伤/手术, 和其他人), 还应要求他们接受心理健康干预. I think being proactive rather than reactive is the right course of action.

I think being proactive rather than reactive is the right course of action.


2020年东京奥运会是史无前例的. 的 pandemic and other global issues have challenged athletes like never before, 然而,球迷们期望的是同样水平的表现. Do you think that this is an opportunity to make some changes in the way we address 心理健康 and Olympic-level athletes? 如果是这样,应该改变什么?

·亨泽尔: 的 pandemic clearly has changed the way the world views many aspects of "normal" life. 大发娱乐看到一些运动员的COVID-19检测呈阳性, 现在这些运动员就要错过奥运会了, 他们一辈子都在训练的东西. 的 pressure on 这些运动员—including potentially feeling like they have let down their family, 国家, 而队友——是巨大的. Perhaps they lost their chance to compete again in the Olympics, all because of the coronavirus. 的re should be a designated 心理健康 officer for every Olympic team. 的re should be more access to 心理健康 providers in all aspects of training for the Olympics.

It does look like the 国际奥林匹克委员会 has set up a 24-hour helpline for athletes competing in Tokyo to help them deal with the "bubble" atmosphere. 我认为这是个好主意, particularly since it looks like they will get six structured sessions along with three months of support after the games.


训练你的大脑和训练你的身体一样重要. Mental endurance and physical endurance are synonymous with success. 许多优秀运动员都有机会接受理疗师的治疗, 营养学家, 体育医生, and coaches—why is having a trained 心理健康 professional not normalized? As discussed at the International Think Tank on Athlete Mental Health, “大发娱乐运动员管理心理健康问题是一种道德, 道德, 以及职业义务, 以及性能增强策略."

随着2020年东京奥运会的继续,残奥会也即将到来, we are seeing a shift of athletes speaking openly about their 心理健康. 通过开放和脆弱地面对他们的挣扎, 这些运动员, 不管是否明显, 让围绕这个话题的谈话去污名化. Athletes can use this unique platform to speak about their mental well-being, which could lead them to become the spokespeople for 心理健康. 大发娱乐都知道, 全世界都在注视着.