

有许多不同种类的 生育控制—和 even more factors contri但ing to decisions about the best 生育控制 method for you or your partner. Some methods rely on the hormone progestin or a combination of estrogen 和 progestin hormones to be effective. 有些方法不使用激素,包括男性使用的方法. 永久方法包括 输卵管结扎手术输精管结扎术. 在这个博客中, we will discuss contraceptives that use either progestin only or a combination of estrogen 和 progestin.

人们可能会考虑的一些因素是获取和成本, 如果需要,避孕方法是否可以轻易停止, 以及如何使用避孕方法. It is important to note that no hormonal 生育控制 method is effective against sexually transmitted infections or diseases.

Misha Pangasa,医学博士, 犹他大学计划生育研究员, 说, “的 most effective 生育控制 is the one that a person feels comfortable using regularly.”


许多避孕方法只使用黄体酮, 是什么原因导致宫颈粘液变稠, preventing the sperm from traveling to fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube. 它也可以大发娱乐防止排卵,但根据 美国妇产科医师学会 (ACOG), four out of ten people will continue to ovulate while taking progestin.

只含黄体酮的避孕药, 然而, 即使对有血栓栓塞史的人也安全吗, 高血压, 或者那些中风风险较高的人. In general, progestin-only contraceptives are associated with more irregular bleeding patterns. 对一些人来说,长期使用可以完全止血.



方法: 避孕植入物 Nexplanon® is a thin rod that a health care provider inserts under the skin in the upper arm. 它释放黄体酮.

优点: Nexplanon® lasts for five years 但 can be removed at any time 和 has an extremely low failure rate (~1/1000).

期间的变化: 和其他孕激素一样, 出血可能是不规则和不可预测的, 虽然有些人根本没有出血.


方法: An IUD is a flexible piece of plastic shaped like a T that a health care provider inserts into the uterus. Four types of hormonal IUDs use progestin, 和 one nonhormonal one uses copper.

优点: 激素宫内节育器可以持续3到8年. IUDs are extremely effective with failure rates of ~2-5/1000 和 can be easily removed by a health care provider. 激素宫内节育器中的黄体酮几乎只在子宫内起作用, 很少通过身体. 这使得激素副作用不太常见. 通常, IUDs are easily removed by a health care provider in clinic; rarely, 它们可以迁移或难以移除. 切除后恢复基线生育能力没有延迟.

期间的变化: Bleeding patterns with progestin-only IUDs are typically light 但 may be unpredictable or irregular. 许多人在使用的第一年结束时不会出血.


方法: 有两种避孕注射剂可供选择: Depo-Provera®和Depo-SubQ 104®. 这两种注射必须每三个月注射一次, 但常规的Depo-Provera®被注射到肌肉中, 而SubQ®仅在皮肤下注射.

优点: SubQ®注射剂可根据处方在家中自行使用, whereas the intramuscular injection must be given by a health care provider every 12 weeks.

期间的变化: 和其他孕激素一样, 出血可能是不规则和不可预测的, 但是很多人在使用一年后就不会出血了. Depo-Provera® is associated with a delay in return to ovulation 和 fertility after stopping, which may be a consideration for some people who are considering pregnancy soon after cessation.


方法: 目前在美国有两种仅含孕激素的药物.S.: Slynd®和Micronor®.  Importantly, some progestin-only pills require a commitment to a precise daily schedule. 与Micronor®, 如果每天在三个小时之外服用一颗药, 它可能对预防怀孕无效, 备用方法应使用7天. 与Slynd, 只有在错过服药超过24小时时才需要补充, 但, 因为Slynd是一种新药, 许多保险不包括它. 根据ACOG, four out of ten people will continue ovulating when using the progestin-only pills.

优点: 不像含有雌激素和黄体酮的药片, the progestin-only pills do not increase the risk of high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease. You can take the progestin-only pills if you have certain medical conditions such as deep vein thrombosis or a history of 高血压. 的se pills are considered safe to use after pregnancy while breastfeeding 和 do not affect milk supply.  Pills can easily be stopped without seeing a health care provider if someone wants to stop taking them. 没有延迟恢复到基线生育率.

期间的变化: 和其他仅含孕激素的避孕药一样, bleeding may be irregular or unpredictable; your period may stop altogether.


除了有效性, the contraceptives containing both estrogen 和 progestin have several benefits, 根据ACOG:

  • 月经变得更短更轻
  • 它们有助于减少痛经
  • 它们可以降低患卵巢癌、子宫癌和结肠癌的风险
  • 它们可以改善痤疮
  • 它们可用于治疗某些疾病,如子宫内膜异位症
  • 的y can prevent or lessen PMS, bone thinning, 和 cysts in the breasts 和 ovaries


  • 月经之间的斑点或出血
  • 乳房疼痛
  • 恶心想吐
  • 头痛

According to the ACOG, these symptoms usually disappear after a few months. 然而, contraceptives that include both hormones may not be suitable for people older than age 35 who smoke or those with a history of high blood pressure, 中风, 心脏病, 乳腺癌, 或者糖尿病相关的并发症.


方法:NuvaRing®和Annovera® are flexible rings made from a silicone or thermoplastic that use estrogen 和 progestin to prevent pregnancy. 的 hormones are absorbed from the rings, through the vaginal tissue, into your body. 的 rings must be self-inserted into the vagina (much like a tampon) 和 removed on a schedule. NuvaRing®每月取下并更换一个新的环. 四个月内不用的NuvaRings®必须冷藏. Annovera®戒指可以持续使用一年,但只能保留21天, 然后服用七天(如果一个人想要来月经), 然后替换. 从阴道取出时必须用肥皂和水清洗. Also, only water-based lubricants may be used when the Annovera® ring is in place. 虽然如果使用得当,环非常有效,但缺点包括:

  • 环可能被排出,必须重新放置在阴道内
  • 记得按时取下和更换戒指
  • 阴道分泌物的可能性
  • Toxic Shock Syndrome, a rare condition that is caused by certain strains of bacteria

优点: This method of 生育控制 can be easily stopped should you decide you want to stop taking it.

期间的变化:  适合那些不喜欢来月经的人, 这些环可以连续使用,以防止退缩性出血. For those who prefer to have periods, bleeding can be scheduled based on when the ring is taken out.


方法: 两种避孕贴片, Xulane®和Twirla®, use a combination of estrogen 和 progestin to prevent pregnancy 和 must be replaced weekly. 它们通常被放在人的腹部、臀部或背部. Those using the Twirla® br和 patch cannot spend more than 30 minutes at one time in the water.

优点: 这种贴片很容易贴在干燥、清洁的皮肤上. You don’t have to remember a daily pill, 和 it’s possible to stop use to get pregnant. 如果使用得当,贴片有99%的效果.

期间的变化: 像戒指一样,贴片可以连续使用以避免月经. With both patches, a patch-free week after three weeks can provide a scheduled period.


方法: Numerous types of 生育控制 pills are available that include estrogen 和 progestin to inhibit ovulation 和 thicken cervical mucus. 这些药物有多种剂量和类型,必须每天服用.

优点: 如果使用得当, these pills are 99% effective 和 can be easily stopped without seeing a health care provider. 恢复生育是没有延迟的.

期间的变化: Most combined hormonal contraception pill packs include three weeks of estrogen 和 progestin pills 和 one week of placebo or “sugar” pills for scheduled bleeding. Like rings 和 patches, the placebo weeks can be used to have scheduled bleeding. Or they can be skipped 和 a new pack started to use the pills continuously 和 avoid bleeding.


Pangasa suggests that deciding on which contraceptive method to use is a “continuum or journey for people throughout their reproductive years.她说,尽管医疗保健大发娱乐提供者可以成为指导和盟友, 最终,患者必须根据自己的价值观做出决定, 首选项, 和健康, 以及他们在生活中的位置.