

精神分裂症 is a mental health disorder that distorts how people think and hurts their ability to function in the world. People with schizophrenia have problems interpreting what is real, 这影响了他们的思维方式, 管理情绪, 并与其他人互动. 每次精神分裂症患者都有急性发作, 他们处理信息和解决问题的能力下降.

精神分裂症 affects about one percent of the world’s population and has been described as an illness for hundreds of years. It tends to start in people when they are in their late teens and early 20s; it's rare for an older person to develop schizophrenia. More men are 诊断d with schizophrenia than women and often show symptoms earlier in life, 也.


It’s rare but some children will show signs of schizophrenia in early childhood. 孩子们 who are 诊断d with schizophrenia are typically severely ill and have problems functioning throughout their entire life.


With schizophrenia, early identification and treatment are critical. The longer someone is ill and untreated, the more severe their illness may become. 在HMHI, 大发娱乐知道如何识别, 诊断, 治疗第一次精神分裂症发作的人. Our clinicians and researchers use cutting-edge research to coordinate clinical care for symptom management and treatment. 



  • 妄想,
  • 幻觉,
  • 无组织的演讲中,
  • 无组织的行为或无反应的状态,以及
  • 对活动缺乏动力或兴趣(阴性症状).

You need to have two or more of these symptoms for at least six months to be 诊断d with schizophrenia. People who develop schizophrenia earlier or have a history of drug use tend to have more severe symptoms.


People with schizophrenia will often experience early warning signs before a full-blown episode occurs. This “prodrome” phase often happens during the teenage years and can last for months or years. 前驱期的症状包括:

  • 一般偏执,
  • 远离他人,
  • 学习成绩差;
  • 抑郁症,
  • 自杀想法.

The prodrome phase is often missed and not 诊断d since these symptoms look like typical things that teenagers may experience.


精神分裂症的病因尚不清楚, but it is believed to be due to a mix of genetic and environmental risk factors.  


精神分裂症有时确实会在家族中遗传. 这意味着基因参与了疾病的发展. 许多基因都与精神分裂症有关, 然而, no single gene has been found to be directly responsible for the disease. 一种理论认为,基因本身不会导致精神分裂症. 一个人也必须经历消极的生活事件(如.e.(环境压力)导致精神分裂症.



  • 吸毒(尤其是大麻);
  • 童年逆境(e).g.(虐待、欺凌、忽视);
  • 妊娠相关事件(如.g., illness during pregnancy, complications during birth, low birth weight),
  • 生活在城市环境中
  • 移民(从一个国家到另一个国家).



没有精神分裂症的实验室测试. Our health care providers 诊断 schizophrenia by gathering information about your personal, 医疗, 家族史. 大发娱乐可能会问的问题包括:

  • 有妄想的症状吗, 幻觉, or other signs that indicate the person is not thinking or behaving like they usually do?
  • 是否有早期预警信号(i.e.(前驱期)?
  • 是否在合适的年龄发生了急性发作?
  • 你家里有人患有精神分裂症吗?

When someone has been ill for a long time, it’s easier to see the patterns of schizophrenia. It’s harder to 诊断 schizophrenia when someone is having their first episode.


在HMHI, we tailor treatment plans for each patient's individual needs. We also include the patient's family in the treatment and therapy process. 如果病人需要额外护理, we will refer them to other trusted mental health professionals in the community.

Like other mental illnesses, treatments for schizophrenia include medication and therapy. We typically use medication to treat people experiencing 妄想, 幻觉, 以及与精神分裂症相关的无组织行为. 


  • 〇个体化治疗方案 We typically recommend medication for people who are experiencing their first schizophrenic episode or symptoms such as 妄想, 幻觉, 以及与精神分裂症相关的无组织行为. 
    • 长效注射药 We offer the option of administering injection therapy once a month if it's appropriate and if patients are interested. These medications tend to be more effective for managing symptoms and helps patients adhere to their medication plan better.
    • 氯氮平, This is not used as a first-line medication for schizophrenia since it requires weekly blood monitoring. 然而, it has been shown to be effective in people with treatment-resistant schizophrenia or people who have not responded to other medications. 
  • 治疗- - - - - - 大发娱乐使用 行为治疗和住院病人团体治疗 for negative symptoms (lack of motivation or interest in activities) of schizophrenia, 通常对药物反应不好. 门诊治疗 often focuses on cognitive-behavioral strategies to help decrease psychotic symptoms. We also offer psychoeducation and therapy sessions for family members and caregivers. 
  • 戒毒服务 — It's common for people with schizophrenia to also struggle with addiction and our recovery clinic serves those who have “dual 诊断s”. 

门诊治疗地点 & 药物管理



HMHI has a coordinated inpatient/outpatient system of clinics that provide therapy and medication management for adults with schizophrenia.



For children and teens with schizophrenia, HMHI offers a diverse range of programs and treatments.



There is no cure for schizophrenia but it can be treated in a way that can help you function better in your job and your relationships. HMHI will help you find the right resources and mental health care access you need to manage your illness.


People with schizophrenia may not think they are ill and may not stay on their medication, 这会让照顾他们变得更加困难. The important thing to remember is that HMHI is here to help you care for your loved one.

如果你爱的人正处于危机之中 流动危机外展小组(MCOT) 有人能大发娱乐你吗. If your loved one has had schizophrenia for several years or has difficulty taking their medication, 长效注射药物可以改变游戏规则.

家庭资源 & 护理人员


当你最需要大发娱乐的时候,大发娱乐就在你身边. 大发娱乐的专业团队接受过以下方面的培训:

  • 心理健康危机管理;
  • 预防自杀,以及
  • 情绪健康.

HMHI provides the following specialty programs and resources for you and your loved ones to prevent mental health crises and provide emotional support when needed.