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When to See an Orthopedic Doctor for Shoulder & Elbow Pain

What Doctor to See for Shoulder & Elbow Pain

Shoulder and elbow pain 人们经历的最常见的疼痛是什么. 因为肩膀和肘关节也是你身体中最常用的关节, 这些关节的疼痛和损伤会严重影响你的日常生活. However, 许多人不确定这些类型的疼痛该去看什么医生,甚至不知道什么时候去看医生.

骨科医生是治疗肩膀和肘部疼痛的专家. 骨科专家可以检查你的肩膀或肘部,并安排影像学检查,比如 X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds. 他或她会确定你正在经历什么样的疼痛,以及什么样的治疗方法会有所大发娱乐.

大发娱乐犹他大学的骨科专家可以诊断和治疗你的肘部和 shoulder pain as well as your injuries. 大发娱乐的医生大发娱乐提供手术和非手术治疗,让您恢复正常的活动.

When to See a Doctor

Shoulder and elbow pain 可能是突然跌倒或受伤的结果,也可能是由于关节磨损而缓慢发生的. 疼痛或受伤的原因将决定你何时应该去看骨科医生 home remedies for shoulder or elbow pain are appropriate.

If you have any of the following symptoms, 尽快预约看骨科医生.

  • Limited range of motion; for example, 你不能将手臂举过头顶,也不能弯曲或伸直肘部
  • 当你移动你的手肘或肩膀时,会感到钝痛或疼痛
  • Pain when using your elbow or shoulder
  • Pain in the elbow or shoulder when you are at rest
  • Difficulty sleeping because of shoulder or elbow pain
  • Numbness or tingling in your arm or shoulder
  • Weakness that gets increasingly worse
  • Ongoing or worsening pain that develops over time 

对于许多损伤,早期治疗和干预将有助于避免更广泛的损害. It could also improve the trajectory for healing.

When to Schedule Your Appointment

You should see an orthopedic doctor if your elbow or shoulder pain

  • lasts more than four weeks,
  • 在两到四周内没有感觉好转,还是
  • gets progressively worse day to day or week to week.

When to Go to the ER or Urgent Care

如果你的肩膀或肘部疼痛严重,并且是突然受伤的结果,你应该去看医生 urgent care or emergency room (ER) right away.

Urgent Care for Shoulder & Elbow Pain

紧急护理是最好的肩部受伤,需要立即关注的医疗专业人员, but are not a life- or limb-threatening emergency. Go to an urgent care after a traumatic fall or injury, or when:

  • shoulder or elbow pain suddenly gets worse,
  • you are unable to move your arm,
  • you have extreme pain at the site of the injury,
  • 肩部或肘部周围有明显的肿胀或瘀伤;
  • your shoulder or elbow is dislocated, or
  • your shoulder or elbow has an obvious deformity

急救医生可以稳定你的肩膀或肘部, 然后转介给骨科医生进行后续护理, including physical therapy, non-surgical treatments like cortisone injections, or surgery if required. 

When to Go to the Emergency Room

Call 911 or go to the emergency room for an elbow or shoulder injury 伴有严重的出血,或者骨折穿透皮肤.

Shoulder pain could also be a sign of a heart attack. Call 911 or go to the emergency room immediately if your shoulder pain:

  • is sudden or sharp,
  • is accompanied by dizziness,
  • is accompanied by shortness of breath,
  • extends from your chest to the left jaw, arm, or neck
  • is accompanied by chest pain or chest tightness.

Find a Shoulder or Elbow Specialist

Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain & Elbow Pain

有时你可能会感到轻微的疼痛,或者在锻炼时扭伤你的肩膀或肘部, playing sports, or doing chores around the house. 这些情况意味着你可以在去看医生之前在家治疗你的肩膀或肘部. The best home remedies for elbow and shoulder pain are:

Anti-inflammatory Medication

非甾体抗炎药(NSAIDs)可以减轻肩膀和肘部的肿胀和炎症. 这些药不需要处方就可以买到. The most common are ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen. 你可以在几天内服用这些药物,只要你遵循包装上的剂量说明. 如果在服用这些药物几天后疼痛没有缓解,请联系医生.


初次受伤后,用冰袋或冷敷可以减轻肿胀和疼痛. 用毛巾把冰袋包好,敷在患处,每次敷15分钟, up to four times a day. If you don’t have an ice pack, 你可以把冰放进密封的塑料袋里,或者用一袋冷冻蔬菜自己制作. 


If your shoulder or elbow hurts when you move it, 用吊带固定手臂,或者用ACE绷带将手臂紧贴身体. 长时间固定手臂可能会让你有其他疾病的风险,比如 frozen shoulder.  If the pain doesn’t get better within a day or two, 预约看医生或去最近的急救中心. 


你也可以包裹你的肩膀或肘部,以减少肿胀和疼痛. 使用ACE绷带或其他有弹性的医用绷带,将其紧贴在受伤部位. 小心不要包得太紧(你不应该感到手臂或手麻木或刺痛).

Modifying Your Activities

如果你的肩膀或肘部疼痛在某些活动中变得更严重, stop doing the things that are causing you pain.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises


如果这些家庭疗法不能减轻或消除你的肩膀或肘部疼痛, schedule an appointment to see an orthopedic doctor.

How to Get a Referral for an Orthopedic Specialist

患者可以从初级保健医生或紧急护理医生或临床医生那里获得转诊到大发娱乐的骨科专家之一. Emergency room 医生也可以推荐你去看大发娱乐的骨科专家,在你去急诊室看肩膀或肘部受伤后进行后续护理.

一些保险公司要求你在预约整形外科专家之前先获得初级保健医生的推荐. 打电话给你的保险公司,看看是否需要推荐.

If you do not need a referral, 您可以通过电话预约大发娱乐的任何诊所 801-587-7109.

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