

It’s natural for children to have questions or feel uncertain if they need surgery. The team at 大发娱乐 is here to help you and your child feel at ease. 

As a parent, you can offer your child age-appropriate teaching, reassurance, and support. 考虑这些建议来大发娱乐你的孩子为手术做准备. 


1. 知道会发生什么

开始在家为孩子做手术准备. You’ll need to follow directions around fasting and stopping medications. 你孩子的手术团队会告诉你如何准备. 

You can help your child by explaining what they can expect on the day of surgery: 

  • A nurse will take your child’s vital signs and ask a few questions. 他们也可能使用特殊的湿巾来清洁你的孩子. 

  • You will stay with your child in the preoperative area until they go for surgery. 

  • Your child will receive anesthesia so they don’t feel anything during the operation. 

  • A nurse will let you know when you can sit with your child after surgery. 当你的孩子从麻醉中醒来时,你会和他们在一起. 

2. 安抚你的孩子

孩子们在手术前常常感到害怕. 你可以通过向他们保证共同的恐惧来大发娱乐他们. You may find it helpful to use comforting words and phrases before surgery: 

  • “There will probably be a lot of people you don’t recognize in the prep area before surgery. 这些人都会照顾你,保护你的安全.” 

  • “The doctors will give you special medicine to keep you asleep during the surgery. 你不会醒来,也不会有任何感觉.”

  • “在你进手术室之前,我会陪在你身边. You’ll fall asleep before surgery, and I’ll be there with you again when you wake up.”   

3. 回答孩子的问题

你的孩子可能对手术有更多的疑问. 但有时,孩子们会犹豫是否要问. You can have a more positive conversation if you know your child’s feelings and concerns.

解释你的孩子可以期待什么. Then encourage your child to share what else they’re curious, nervous, or concerned about. 如果你不知道答案,告诉你的孩子是可以的. You can ask their doctor for guidance to help answer their questions.

4. 使用清晰、适合年龄的语言

You may decide to skip some surgery details because your child is young. 但重要的是要承认,一些大事将会发生. Your child will wake from surgery with wounds, and they may feel some pain. Knowing what will happen can make that experience less scary for them. 

You can let your child’s age and interest guide the conversation. Younger children may not understand why they’re having surgery or what’s happening. Older children may have more questions and want to hear more details.

5. 问医生问题

An important part of your preparation is to learn about your child’s procedure. 询问你的外科医生你可以在哪里大发娱乐. 你也可以在手术前问一些问题: 

  • Do you have recommended resources for helping children understand surgery?

  • 这个过程需要多长时间? 

  • 我的孩子在康复期间应该期待什么? 

  • 手术后他们会有明显的伤口或疤痕吗? 

The internet is full of information about medical conditions and procedures. 其中一些信息可以大发娱乐您了解将要发生的事情. 互联网也包含误导性信息. Your surgeon will help you find the best resources for you and your child. 

6. 带舒适的物品

You may have questions about what to bring to your child’s surgery. 大发娱乐建议让您的孩子从家里选择一件舒适的物品. 这可能是你最喜欢的玩具、毯子或枕头. 

手术室里不允许有舒适用品. But giving your child these items before and after surgery can help them feel more at ease. 这也有助于孩子们更好地控制自己的经历.

7. 用道具教育

Younger children often understand procedures better when you use props. This prop can help you explain what will happen before, during, and after surgery. You may use a doll or stuffed animal to show them where the surgeon will operate.

Our nurses and Child Life specialists often help explain surgery using these techniques. You can ask your child’s care team for help with these explanations as needed.

8. 为恢复做好准备

Your child’s surgeon will tell you what to expect during your child’s recovery from surgery. Your child’s recovery timeline will depend on the type of surgery they’re having. 但是你可以和你的孩子分享一些恢复的基本知识:

  • 他们可能会错过多少课程 

  • 如果他们需要限制他们的活动 

  • 他们手术伤口的大小和位置

  • 在愈合过程中是否会感到疼痛 

想要保护孩子不受这些细节的影响是很自然的. But your child will likely feel more at ease when they know what to expect. 


We recognize that pediatric surgery is an unusual and potentially stressful experience for your family. 感觉失控或不堪重负是正常的. 

Our team is here to reassure you that your child is in capable, caring hands. An entire team of experienced professionals will help you and your child navigate this experience together.   

