

A skin graft is a patch of skin removed from one area of your body (donor site) 和 reattached in another place (recipient site). 皮肤移植只能来自你自己的身体. 你不能接受别人的皮肤移植. Even a close relative can’t donate their skin because the DNA must be an exact match for your graft to be successful.

At University of Utah Health, we perform all types of skin grafts in our 燃烧装置, 普通外科, 和 整形和重建外科 部门. Our providers are highly qualified to treat wounds or scars with skin grafts to ensure the best possible outcomes.


A skin graft does not carry its own blood supply with it when moved to the recipient site. Skin grafts are used to treat wounds where only the skin is missing. 皮肤下的所有组织都必须完好无损. 皮肤移植类似于 皮瓣,但这两种程序是不同的.



  • 皮肤癌
  • 肿瘤切除
  • 掩盖伤疤
  • 感染
  • 大的伤口
  • 受伤
  • 严重烧伤

烧伤的皮肤移植是在大发娱乐的 燃烧装置.


Your surgeon will choose the best skin graft procedure based on your condition 和 size of the area that needs to be covered.


这种类型的移植物治疗 伯恩斯 或者表面伤口. The top two layers of your skin will be removed from the donor site 和 placed on the recipient site. A large piece can be removed because the donor site can heal itself.

Split-thickness skin grafts often get used on parts of your body typically covered with clothing. The healed graft might not look as cosmetically pleasing as a full-thickness graft.  


These skin grafts cover wounds that are deep or large 和 can’t be closed with stitches. A full-thickness skin graft takes all the layers of your skin (not just the top two) from the donor site 和 reattaches them at the recipient site. Only a smaller piece gets removed because the donor site must be stitched together to heal.

This skin graft is more durable 和 usually has a better cosmetic appearance. You might get this type if you need a wound or scar covered on your face or the palm of your h和.


人造皮肤移植只能部分治愈你的伤口. The man-made skin (artificial dermis) is applied to your wound. Your artificial skin graft will get checked four weeks later to see if it developed its own blood supply. 如果有的话, your surgeon will then apply a split-thickness skin graft on top of it to complete the artificial skin graft. There is currently no artificial skin graft that can fully replace natural skin grafts.

如果你的伤口又窄又深,这种方法效果最好. A skin flap or full-thickness skin graft are more extensive procedures used on deep wounds. However, a split-thickness skin graft won’t work on wounds with an exposed tendon or bone. Artificial skin grafts are less invasive but fully heal your wound.


Your surgery will take two to three hours depending on how large the area is 和 what type of skin graft you get.

During your surgery, your surgeon will remove a thin section of skin from the donor site. The skin graft will be transferred to the recipient site 和 held in place using stitches, 斯台普斯, 或胶. 或者,移植物可以放置在受体部位. Your surgeon will firmly place sterile gauze 和 wound dressing over the surgical site to hold the graft in place. This allows your skin graft to attach to its new location 和 develop a new blood supply, 哪一点对移植手术的整体成功至关重要.

After your surgery, you’ll have a wound dressing placed over the surgical site. 这将留在原地三到五天, then checked 和 replaced by a nurse or your surgeon at a follow-up appointment.


It’s important to care for your skin graft correctly after surgery. 为了确保伤口愈合,你应该:

  • 限制该区域的活动;
  • 把伤口包扎好,保持干燥,然后
  • 穿宽松的衣服.

Rest is crucial so the graft can develop a healthy blood supply at the recipient site. After four weeks, your surgeon will remove the dressing at a follow-up appointment.


It’s important to avoid certain activities while your skin graft heals. 

  • 不要把移植的皮肤泡在浴缸里两周.
  • 洗澡时不要弄湿皮肤.
  • 不参加体育活动.
  • 不要对受伤部位进行冷敷或热敷.
  • 在家不拆伤口敷料.


Skin graft surgery results in two scars: one at the donor site 和 one at the recipient site. Your scar will have a slightly raised grid-like appearance at first. It will change to a more uneven, natural look as the wound heals.

Full-thickness skin graft scars are usually thicker because they involve a larger piece of skin. You can minimize the appearance of scars from skin graft surgery by:

  • 保持肌肤水润,
  • 避免阳光直射在疤痕上,
  • 在伤口愈合后涂抹疤痕消退膏,然后
  • 晚些时候做整形手术.


Your skin graft should develop its own blood supply within one to two weeks after surgery. Skin graft failures occur when the graft does not form a blood supply. 如果发生这种情况,你的皮肤移植需要重新做一次.


If your skin graft fails to successfully reattach 和 grow at the recipient site, 你很可能要等到你的后续预约才会知道. When your surgeon removes the dressing 和 examines your skin graft, 他们会告诉你是成功还是失败. 主要症状是颜色灰白.

It’s important to follow your surgeon’s instructions during the recovery period. 这将有助于防止皮肤移植失败或并发症. 大多数皮肤移植是成功的.


You might notice other symptoms of complications during your recovery. 这些包括:

  • 伤口肿胀,
  • 红肿在敷料周围蔓延,
  • 敷料周围变色;
  • 持续的疼痛
  • 发热.

呼叫 your surgeon right away if you notice your skin graft isn’t healing correctly. 



To make an appointment with a skin graft specialist at U of U Health, call the 塑料 Surgery 和 重建 department at 801-581-7719. 在大多数情况下, your provider will refer you to U of U Health as part of your treatment plan well before your surgery. If you’re having skin cancer removed or developing a plan to cover an old scar, 你的医生也可以为你发送推荐信.


Since skin grafts always have a medically necessary reason, they are covered by insurance policies.