
怀孕 & 多次剖腹产后分娩

剖腹产可能不是你的 生产计划. 许多妇女对这个结果感到兴奋——健康的宝宝, healthy mom—while others are hesitant to go through delivery again after a particularly bad experience (anesthesia didn’t work; recovery was difficult; baby was in distress).

不管你对剖腹产有什么看法, you might be concerned about your ability to conceive after multiple C-sections or wonder what to do for your next delivery. 然而,没有一条规则适用于所有女性, there are common takeaways to consider and discuss with your doctor.


C-sections are serious surgeries and doctors don’t take them lightly. If you’ve had more than one, you know how long it can take to recover from a successful operation. 在剖腹产过程中,你可能会经历:

  • 大量出血,
  • 感染,
  • 膀胱和肠道损伤.

胎盘增生 can happen when the placenta implants itself near the c-section scar. If it stays there unrecognized, you can potentially bleed to death during a future delivery.

过去,因火山增生造成的死亡率是50%. 现在,谢天谢地,大多数女性的死亡风险并不高. Delivering at a place where doctors are experienced with accreta is important.

如果你之前做过剖腹产, your doctor might suggest an 超声波 to check where your placenta is located during your next pregnancy.


The good news: If you’ve had multiple C-sections you’re just as likely to conceive as women who gave birth vaginally. Doctors recommend you wait at least six weeks after a C-section before having sex and generally encourage using birth control until six to 18 months postpartum.

The longer you have to recover and heal, the lower your risk of complications. 也就是说, 如果你在推荐时间之前怀孕了, 你还是可以健康怀孕的. Be sure to talk to your doctor early and often about proper prenatal care.


这取决于你的病史, your doctor should support your decision to either schedule another C-section or attempt a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). 在犹他大学, our doctors commit to providing the safest care possible while maximizing your birth experience.

If you’re motivated to have a vaginal birth, we will work with you in support of your decision.

VBAC can be a safe option if you’ve had one or even multiple previous cesarean deliveries. Potential benefits include shorter recovery time and lower risk of surgical complications. 然而,这并不适合所有人.

For example, the more C-sections you have, the more likely you are to have a uterine rupture. 每一次剖腹产, 疤痕组织堆积的几率更高, 大量出血, 还有胎盘的问题. 

The type of C-section scar (or scars) that you have can also affect your ability to have VBAC:

  • 横向—The most common type, this cut is made from side to side across the low part of the uterus
  • 较低的垂直-上下切割穿过子宫的下部
  • 高垂直-曾经是剖腹产手术的标准, this up-and-down cut across the upper part of the uterus is now considered risky and typically only performed for extremely preterm deliveries. 

如果您选择VBAC,大发娱乐将在分娩过程中密切关注您. If you or your baby shows signs of distress, you'll have an emergency cesarean section.

阴道分娩和剖宫产都有风险和好处. Deciding how you will deliver your next baby after a previous C-section can be a complex decision. 和你的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者谈谈. He or she can help you weigh the risks of a repeat C-section against your desire for future pregnancies.



There are many reasons why you might need or prefer a planned or elective C-section over a VBAC. 这些情况包括:

  • 有过两次以上低位横向剖宫产,
  • 有额外的子宫疤痕,
  • 经历过先前的破裂,或者
  • the baby is abnormally positioned (not headfirst in the birth canal).

Planning a C-section can also be a welcome change from your first C-section when you were likely tired, 害怕, 在痛苦中. 最大的区别是:不要着急. 你可以提前为你的经历设定条件, 从你喜欢的麻醉类型(硬膜外麻醉), 脊髓硬膜外联合, 或一般情况下)谁会出现在手术室.

一些医院甚至大发娱乐提供“温和剖宫产”服务,或“以家庭为中心的剖腹产”,” which aim to make the surgical experience closer to that of natural childbirth by letting parents witness the delivery, 宝宝出生后,迅速实现肌肤接触, 马上母乳喂养, 尽量让妈妈和宝宝在一起.


担心剖腹产后怀孕? Talk to one of our specialists today to learn more about your options. 无需转诊.

资源 & 为准父母准备的项目


The first trimester can be an exciting, confusing, and overwhelming experience. Our Early 怀孕 Care team providers offer comprehensive, non-judgmental early pregnancy care.



The 犹他州流产后怀孕计划 is designed specifically to support families after a pregnancy loss, 新生儿死亡, 或者严重复杂的妊娠.


UPWARD: Utah Peripartum Pelvic Floor Wellness and Recovery After Delivery Program

Many pregnant mothers have pelvic floor symptoms before and up to 12 months following birth. UPWARD offers expert care to women experiencing pelvic floor issues during a vulnerable time.



U of U Health随时大发娱乐提供, 通过YoMingo®为准妈妈大发娱乐提供随时随地的教育, with all the tools and support you need at every stage of your pregnancy. 查找有关产前护理,分娩的信息 & 分娩、产后、母乳喂养和新生儿护理.



Childbearing is an exciting time of growth, change, and personal choices for you and your family. To help you prepare, we offer perinatal education on a variety of subjects related to your pregnancy.



It's never too early to begin thinking about the birthing process (if those words can even begin to express the life-changing experience you are about to have). 大发娱乐有一些需要考虑的事情.

