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What Causes 流产?

Going through multiple miscarriages can be incredibly difficult, especially when you don’t know why they happen or whether your next pregnancy will be successful. Of all pregnancies, 10–25 percent of end in miscarriage, 有1%到5%的女性经历过两次或两次以上的流产,但没有进展到足月(复发性流产).

First, know that it’s not your fault. You didn’t cause your miscarriage by working, 锻炼, 做爱, dying your hair, drinking too much caffeine, or using birth control pills before getting pregnant. 一般, 压力和工作挑战等生活方式因素似乎与流产无关.

Most miscarriages happen because the fetus isn't developing normally. 大约50%的流产是由于染色体过多或缺失造成的. 最常, 染色体问题是由于胚胎(或受精卵)分裂和生长时发生的错误造成的.


年龄 & 流产 

随着女性年龄的增长,由于基因异常,她多次流产的几率会增加. If you’re under 35, the chance is around 15–20 percent—and if you’re over 40, the odds jump to more than 50 percent.

Genetic Abnormalities or Anomalies

Additional common causes of multiple miscarriages include:

Genetic Abnormalities—多达50 - 70%的早孕流产是因为胚胎的遗传物质过多或过少.

Uterine Anomalies—Uterine anomalies are differences in your uterus shape that aren’t normal. Most women aren’t super familiar with what their uterus looks like. 因为你生来就有畸形(先天性畸形),所以没有任何症状, 你可能不知道你的是非典型的,直到你经历了反复的流产.

有几种不同的畸形-双裂(双)或弓形-但最常与流产相关的类型是分开和双角(心形)。. We can use surgery to treat some of these anomalies.

有些女性天生就有非典型子宫,而另一些则可能随着时间的推移而出现异常. Fibroids and polyps, which are benign (noncancerous) growths of the uterus, may also play a role in recurrent pregnancy loss.

Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

免疫系统-Sometimes your immune system is to blame. 抗磷脂综合征(APS)是一种自身免疫性疾病,当一个人的免疫系统错误地产生针对凝血所必需的某些物质的抗体时,就会发生这种疾病.

Thyroid/hormonal issues—如果子宫内膜不能正常发育以供着床和滋养受精卵,也会导致流产. 催乳素(脑垂体分泌的生殖激素)水平升高会改变子宫内膜的正常发育.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)—Women with a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome also have an increased risk of miscarriage. 

RH因子-You might continue to miscarry because of the Rh factor. RH因子是你遗传的一种蛋白质,存在于红细胞表面. 如果你有Rh因子并且是Rh阴性的,你可能会对Rh阳性的婴儿产生抗体. 你的医生可以大发娱乐你采取措施来处理这种并发症.

Getting Pregnant After Multiple 流产s

一想到流产后的怀孕就像坐过山车一样. Many women are anxious about experiencing another loss. 一定要 talk to your doctor about your feelings, which are just as important as the physical part of this journey.

How Soon Should You Try to Get Pregnant Again?

大多数医疗保健大发娱乐提供者说,在你有一个正常的月经后再试一次是可以的. 你可能想在怀孕前安排一个预约,了解你的选择 

在你第一次就诊时,你可能会被问到很多关于你的病史和家族史的问题. This will help your doctor recommend next steps, which could include testing.


血液测试 对于复发性流产可以检查并发症和染色体异常(称为核型). If the tests show a problem, your specialist should refer you to a clinical geneticist for more testing.

Tests can also reveal:

  • blood clotting disorders,
  • polycystic ovaries,
  • high levels of certain antibodies that can interfere with the pregnancy.


If you're Rh negative and your baby might be (or is) Rh positive, 在你的血液可能与婴儿的血液接触的情况下,你的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者可能会建议注射Rh免疫球蛋白.

超声波 或者你的生殖器官的x光片可以显示出可能导致流产的结构差异.

Recurrent 流产 Treatment Options

First, remember to take care of yourself. 如果你需要和心理健康专家谈谈你的感受(即使你什么感觉都没有,担心你的情绪) 缺乏 悲伤的), 你的医生会联系医院的社会工作小组,将你与咨询和/或支持小组联系起来.

As far as your options for optimizing a future pregnancy and delivery, there’s no single slam-dunk treatment. 这取决于医生认为是什么导致了你的反复流产. 大发娱乐确实有医生致力于通过寻找明确的答案来大发娱乐那些经历多次流产的人. 他们对让病人参与正在进行的研究非常开放.

Depending on your medical history, you can still have a successful pregnancy after multiple miscarriages.

Your doctor might recommend: 

  • An evaluation of your uterine cavity.
  • Surgery to address uterine anomalies.
  • 测试 for antiphospholipid autoimmune syndrome (APS), 当你的免疫系统错误地产生抗体,使你的血液更容易凝结. APS无法治愈,但药物可以减轻症状的严重程度.
  • Genetic counseling 因为2%到3%的复发性流产与你或你伴侣的遗传问题有关. The most common condition is translocation, which doesn’t usually have any physical signs or symptoms. 如果胚胎获得过多或过少的遗传物质,通常会导致流产. 检测是发现或排除造成损失的因素的低风险选择.


如果你有流产或想要看到一个健康保健大发娱乐提供者流产, you should schedule an appointment with a specialist. To do this, you will need a referral from your primary care physician.

资源 & Programs for 怀孕 Loss

Utah 怀孕 After Loss Program

犹他州流产后怀孕计划是专门为流产后的家庭大发娱乐提供支持的, 新生儿死亡, or severely complicated pregnancy.

Learn More About the Program

Early 怀孕 Assessment Clinic


Learn More About the Clinic

Perinatal Mental Health 服务

亨斯迈心理健康研究所的专家为因流产而与心理健康作斗争的妇女大发娱乐提供支持和专业知识, 出生创伤, 和更多的.

Learn More About Perinatal Mental Health 服务

Find a Fertility Specialist

More Information About 流产 & 怀孕 Loss

How Long After a 流产 to Try Again?

可悲的是, miscarriages do occur for expecting mothers, 许多女性通常想知道她们需要等多久才能再次怀孕.

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I Can't Get Pregnant After a 流产 - Am I Normal?

For couples attempting to conceive, a miscarriage can be a tragic setback. A minority of couples may find it difficult to conceive again. 这正常吗?? Or is something else causing conception difficulties? Dr. 外裙P...

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怀孕 流产 Signs, Treatments, Management

早期流产或自然流产是常见的——这是怀孕中最常见的并发症. 大约有100万美国妇女在怀孕的前12周内流产.

Listen (6 min)