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Counseling, Psychiatric Care, and Support for Women

At the Huntsman Mental Health Institute, 妇女可以找到围产期心理健康服务(也称为产妇心理健康),以满足她们一生中可能遇到的各种需求. 大发娱乐的团队为正在经历许多不同类型心理健康斗争的女性大发娱乐提供支持和专业知识:

Types of Perinatal Mental Health Services

无论你有什么症状,大发娱乐都能大发娱乐你. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供以下治疗方案,为您大发娱乐提供所需的支持和护理:

Outpatient Clinics

Our Perinatal Mental Health Services are located at our Downtown Behavioral Health Clinic and Farmington Behavioral Health Clinic.  Our team of qualified psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, 有执照的临床社会工作者将为你大发娱乐提供个人治疗和药物管理.

For the Love of Mothers

Learn how U of U Health researchers, a team of community partners, 犹他州各地的母亲们正在共同努力建立新的项目,解决产后精神健康障碍问题. 

Inpatient Treatment

大发娱乐为患有围产期精神健康障碍的妇女大发娱乐提供专科护理, which occur immediately before or after a baby’s birth. 大发娱乐的围产期精神科团队为怀孕或在过去18个月内分娩的妇女大发娱乐提供专门护理.

伴侣或家人的参与是治疗的一个组成部分. 大发娱乐还鼓励家庭在探访住院治疗的亲人时带着婴儿,以支持母亲的纽带和家庭联系. 然而,受保护的睡眠是恢复过程中的关键因素,所以婴儿不会过夜.

Our team of highly trained doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, 表达治疗师一起制定个性化的治疗计划和全面的护理:

  • Wellness planning
  • 专用空间供抽吸、护理和家庭探视
  • Protected sleep times
  • 延长探视时间,使母婴互动最大化
  • 医院级吸奶器和冷藏母乳
  • Family and partner assisted psychotherapy/team meetings

    Nutrition consultation, as needed

(请注意,妊娠复杂或妊娠晚期的妇女将在大发娱乐的医院接受服务 Inpatient Medical Psychiatry unit due to their need for increased medical supervision).

Insurance Coverage


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Infertility & Mental Health

不孕对一个人的身体有深远的影响, emotional, sexual, spiritual, and financial health. and on the person as a whole. The longer the situation persists, 不孕患者就越难控制自己的情绪. 


In fact, 当怀孕的医学治疗对身体的影响更大时,更多的患者报告了焦虑和抑郁的症状.

Types of Therapies

大发娱乐的心理健康专家会引导患者度过悲伤和失落,并大发娱乐他们面对许多可能的医疗决定. 大发娱乐为患者大发娱乐提供一个安全的空间来处理他们正在经历的情绪,并大发娱乐提供工具来减少任何压力迹象, depression, and anxiety. These tools may include:

  • cognitive behavioral strategies,
  • mind-body connection and the relaxation response,
  • positive coping skills training, and
  • healthy communication skills.


NICU Mothers Support Group

新生儿在医院里会让人感到害怕、孤立和孤独 NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), but you do not have to experience this on your own. 第一步是寻找能理解你的人, offer guidance, 帮你度过人生中最艰难的时刻. 大约70%新生儿重症监护室婴儿的母亲会经历围产期情绪或焦虑障碍(PMAD),包括产后创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)。. 


  • Meeting others at various stages of NICU life
  • Support with navigating your time in the NICU
  • Support from those that have since graduated the NICU
  • Led by a NICU/and other ICU survivor
  • 探索生活在新生儿重症监护病房的感受和情绪
  • Resources available to ask for additional help
  • 支持倡导你和宝宝的需求.

Email us for group times and enrollment information:

Free Postpartum Support Group

大发娱乐的围产期心理健康项目为孕妇和新妈妈大发娱乐提供了一个临时支持小组,在一个保密和安全的空间里寻求同伴的支持. 这个参与者驱动的小组是由心理健康和社会工作硕士水平的学生推动的.

Weekly discussion topics may include:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Balancing motherhood with other life roles
  • Sex and sexuality
  • Body image
  • Social support/social life changes
  • Emotional/spiritual changes
  • Decision making as a parent/partner
  • Change in spousal relationship
  • Financial pressures/budgeting
  • Everyday stresses and pressures of being a mom

大发娱乐在每月的第二个和第四个星期三下午12点通过Zoom主持会议. A link will be sent to you after registration. 如需注册或了解更多信息,请发邮件至

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