

大发娱乐的能力 诊断和治疗生育问题 在过去的十年里有了很大的进步. Getting a complete and accurate diagnosis is essential to finding the best treatment or therapy for you.


The acrosome cap is a structure inside the sperm head that surrounds the upper 40-60 percent of the sperm nucleus. The acrosome must work correctly for the sperm to penetrate the egg coating (or zona pellucida).

After the acrosome reaction, the sperm reveals binding sites that it needs to fuse to the egg. The acrosome stimulation test (which uses a double-detection system) identifies sperm that have acrosome reacted normally to artificial stimulation.


所有男性都有屏障,将精子隐藏在身体免疫系统之外. 这些屏障有助于防止你的身体将精子识别为外来精子, 危险的, 并产生对抗它的防御. 当这些屏障被打破时,身体就会产生抗精子抗体. 如果这些抗体附着在精子上, 它们损害精子移动和/或凝集(与其他细胞聚集)的能力。.

女性也可能产生抗精子抗体. We can test for antibodies by evaluating seminal fluid, semen, and the serum from the woman. 如果出现以下情况,你应该进行抗精子抗体评估:

  • 当你准备做输精管结扎手术时,你的精子活力很低,
  • 你有更高的凝集量,
  • 或者你的精子不能正常工作.

Women should be tested for anti-sperm antibodies if a sperm cervical mucus interaction assay test suggests a problem.


This test will help determine your sperm’s ability to penetrate (or get through) ovulatory mucus. 在这个测试中, 大发娱乐的实验室分析员会放置排卵宫颈粘液, 病人的精子, 和其他可生育的供体精子并排放在玻璃片上,然后盖上.

Next, we will record the motility of sperm that have penetrated the mucus every 30 minutes. If the donor sample performs better than 病人的精子, then the patient may have infertility. 如果两个精子样本都表现不佳, 那么女性的宫颈粘液可能会以一种敌对的方式对精子做出反应.


The hamster egg penetration test (HEPT) (also known as the 精子穿透试验) is the most accurate test that predicts whether your sperm will be able to fertilize an egg. It can also predict whether lab techniques can improve your sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg.

在仓鼠卵渗透试验中, a lab analyst will evaluate your sperm samples using techniques that are similar to the techniques used in IVF. 唯一的区别是医生使用仓鼠的卵. A lab analyst will chemically treat hamster eggs to see if human sperm can penetrate them.

准备好的精子与15到20个经过化学处理的卵子一起孵育. 如果你的精子正常工作,它就能穿透卵子. 然后,实验室分析人员将计算有多少卵子被穿透,并计算出百分比.

如果少于50%的仓鼠卵被穿透, 这意味着你的精子不能像正常精子那样使卵子受精. 如果超过50%的仓鼠卵被穿透, 你的精子也应该能够穿透人类的卵子.


如果精液中没有精子或者精子数量极低, 大发娱乐可以使用血液样本来评估激素水平(FSH), LH, 游离睾酮, 总睾酮和催乳素). 从这些测试中得到的线索可能会导致可能的病因和最好的治疗方法.



The term strict criteria morphology analysis refers to a specific technique that looks at the shape of your sperm. The sperm morphology (shape) can predict the ability of your sperm to fertilize an egg when combined with other fertility treatments. 该测试仔细评估精子的头部、尾部、中部和尾部附着.


The hypoosomatic solution assay tests a sperm’s how well your sperm functions and whether your sperm is viable (can penetrate an egg). 这项测试专门检查精子的质膜及其工作情况, 这可能揭示了它的生育能力.

First we will examine your seminal fluid’s consistency and your sperm’s motility (movement). 精液中有少量白细胞是正常的, 但是大量的这些细胞可能是感染或者 前列腺炎(前列腺炎症). 如果你的白细胞计数较高, 大发娱乐可以进行精液培养来诊断和治疗这个问题.


Five to 10 percent of fertility problems among couples are caused by irregularities in the cervix and its secretions. 为了让精子顺利通过子宫颈, 精子必须能够穿透宫颈周围的粘液. The lower cervix helps store sperm and releases it into the upper tract of the cervix before it enters the uterus.

The physical and chemical properties of cervical mucus change depending on where a woman is in her menstrual cycle. 这些变化会影响pH值, 粘度, 体积, 单元格内容, 以及子宫颈黏液中的spinnbarkheit(拉伸能力的测量). These changes can make the cervix more or less receptive to sperm penetration just before ovulation.


对于精子数量低的男性,大发娱乐可能会推荐逆行精液分析. (最初的精液分析将显示你的精子数量是否低). 逆行性射精 精子进入膀胱的时间. 如果你有逆行射精,精子会在你做爱后出现在你的尿液中.

Many men with retrograde ejaculation have had an earlier surgery or medical condition that makes them more likely to develop retrograde ejaculation. 很多事情会让你更容易发生逆行射精. 这些可能包括以下内容:

  • 睾丸癌手术(RPLND)
  • 经尿道前列腺手术
  • 儿童膀胱手术
  • 糖尿病
  • MS
  • 脊髓损伤


精液分析是研究男性生育能力最有效和最廉价的方法. 这通常是男性不育评估的起点. 精液分析着眼于:
  • 精子浓度(每毫升精液中有多少个精子),
  • 活动精子数(精子运动和游动的速度),
  • 以及精子形态(形状)的研究.

换句话说,你的精子数是衡量有多少精子流向卵子的指标, 有多少精子可以使卵子受精. 精子浓度较低, 以及精子运动和游泳的能力(也称为精子能动性), 也会影响你的活动精子数吗. The shape of your sperm (morphology) is also important since sperm that are shaped incorrectly have a have a harder time fertilizing eggs.

正常的精液样本通常由35%的正常、形状正确的精子组成. 另外65%的精子通常形状不正常或不正常. 正常精子的比例较低可能会导致不孕问题.

了解更多关于 精液分析测试.


A semen culture may be created If you have an increased number of white blood cells 在精液中 sample, 你的医生可能会要求你做精液培养. To make a semen culture, a lab analyst will culture your semen sample for bacterial growth. 如果你的精液样本里有细菌, your sample will be sent to another lab to identify the type of bacteria and what antibiotics can kill the bacteria.

If you’d like more information about the presence of white blood cells 在精液中, contact us.


Sperm aneuploidy by FISH (fluorescent in-situ hybridization) allows us to identify and count chromosomes as well as any defects in chromosomes, 比如染色体易位, 在精液中. 在试管婴儿周期或人工授精程序之前用FISH分析精子, 大发娱乐可以更好地向患者咨询不孕不育治疗可能存在的风险.


SCIT tests analyze the quality of your chromatin and whether there are any breaks in your DNA strands. Chromatin is a bundle of genetic material inside your cells and includes DNA, RNA, and prortein. 这两种情况都被证明会影响胚胎的质量.

实验室分析人员通常在染色质重塑过程中发现DNA断裂. 但如果你的DNA链断裂了, 这种损伤将在精子形成的后期得到修复. 如果损坏不修复, 精子内部的DNA断裂可能会影响精子与卵子受精的能力. DNA断裂也会影响胚胎的质量.

SCIT样本分为两部分. 其中一部分将用于评估DNA损伤. 第二部分将进行密度梯度离心试验. In the final part of the test, our lab analysists will see if DNA in your sperm are damaged.


你的精子在射精后能保持多长时间的功能会导致生育问题. The sperm longevity test can check how your sperm are working after they’ve been washed free from the seminal plasma and stored in a solution.

透射电子显微镜通过透射电子显微镜观察的精子. 这使大发娱乐能够看到精子及其组成部分的内部.

为了诊断许多精子缺陷,大发娱乐使用透射电子显微镜. The electron microscope uses very thin sections of sperm in a special plastic so we can look at the sperm’s sub-cellular components highly magnified. 这包括精子DNA顶体、尾部结构和膜结构.


精索静脉曲张是阴囊内肿胀的静脉. 它们在有生育能力和不育的男性中都有发现,而且非常普遍. 但由于它们更多发生在不育男性身上,它们可能会损害生育能力. 发现 are often found when there are fewer normal sperm and more tapered or abnormal sperm.

它似乎也与较低的精子浓度和活力有关. 像其他形式的不孕症一样,精索静脉曲张不会导致完全不育. 但它们会导致生育能力下降, 这意味着你和你的伴侣将更难怀孕.

你可能是 我去看了泌尿科医生 If the results of your semen analysis look like the semen found in men who have varicoceles. The urologist will evaluate if you have a varicocele (usually directly above the testicle) and determine the best treatment. 你可能不需要治疗.

如果精索静脉曲张影响了你生育更多孩子的计划, 你的医生可能会建议生育治疗方案. A surgical procedure called a varicocelectomy may be performed (on an outpatient basis) to correct the problem.

如果精液中没有精子, 大发娱乐会做个测试看看你的精液里有没有果糖. 如果你没有任何果糖, 输精管可能有阻塞, which secretes fructose and carries the sperm from your epididymis to your prostate gland.
