

成为一个 活体器官捐献者 is one of the most selfless things a person can do. In 2023, 6953人的生命 多亏了活体捐献者才得以挽救吗. However, more than 100,000 people are still on the national 移植 等待名单其中86%的人需要肾脏. 

Those on the 移植 等待名单 can potentially avoid the long wait times for organs from a deceased donor if a living donor is available. Living 器官捐献s have medical advantages as well. 

“We know from years of research that living donor organs last longer and do better than deceased organ 移植s,沙雷·瓦伦丁说, BSN, the Living Donor Transplant Coordinator at University of Utah Health. “Deceased donor 肾脏 移植s last about 10 to 15 years on average, while living 肾脏 donor 移植s last 15 to 20 years on average.”


Living donors can be biologically related to the recipient, but they don’t have to be. 配偶, 朋友, and even complete strangers can be candidates for becoming a living donor as long as they have a compatible blood type.

Donation is still possible even if donors have an incompatible blood type with their intended recipient. Many facilities, including the University of Utah, have 配对交换计划, where a donor/recipient pair who are incompatible are matched with another donor/recipient pair who are also incompatible, 本质上是“交易”捐赠者.


  • 年龄. 你必须年满18岁. 
  • 整体健康. Donors must be in good physical and mental health. Conditions that would disqualify someone include cancer, 糖尿病, 以及无法控制的高血压.
  • 获取更多的信息. Fully understanding the 器官捐献 process and the risks and benefits can help you make an informed decision.

Organs that can be donated from a living donor include: 

Tissues that can be donated from a living donor include: 

  • 骨髓
  • 血液制品
  • 胎盘
  • 脐组织
  • 羊膜组织


Deciding to become a living donor is a big deal for both donor and recipient. Doctors and program coordinators need to ensure they do a thorough evaluation so that the health of both parties isn’t jeopardized. From start to finish, the process can take eight to 12 weeks.

“Donors will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary team that includes a surgeon, 肾脏, 社会工作者, 营养师, 药剂师, 以及独立活体捐赠倡导者,瓦伦丁说. “They are also assigned a designated nurse coordinator who will work closely with the potential donor as they navigate the process.”

After expressing a willingness to donate, you will begin extensive health evaluations, including: 

  • 血液测试
  • 尿液测试
  • 影像学检查,如CT扫描, 心电图(心电图), 还有胸部x光检查,以确保器官健康
  • Cancer screenings such as a pap smear, mammogram, and colonoscopy, depending on your age and gender
  • 全面体检
  • 心理社会评估


After completing all the health evaluations and determining you are eligible to become a living donor, 你将被安排做手术. 

为了纪念这样无私的行为, 你应该感受到身体上的支持, 在情感上, and financially during the entire donation process as well as your recovery.


Most donors stay in the hospital for a night or two after surgery and then go home to finish recovery. Total recovery time will depend on your individual circumstances, but people who work desk jobs can usually go back to work within two weeks. Those who work more physically demanding jobs will likely need a longer recovery time, 大约6到12周.

Most people can resume driving within a couple of weeks and can return to pre-donation activities, 包括举重, 在6到12周内.

捐献器官后, you must commit to a healthy lifestyle and have regular check-ups with your doctor.


Licensed 社会工作者s and mental health professionals are available to provide emotional support for donors, and you can also find support groups for 生活捐助者 to hear others’ experiences. 

“Making the decision to become a living donor can be a stressful one, and we want all donors to feel supported throughout the evaluation process and beyond,瓦伦丁说. “Being able to talk with someone who has donated an organ has proven extremely helpful for potential donors.”


While your recipient’s insurance will likely cover your evaluation, 测试, 和手术, 其他费用可能需要支付. 和你的团队谈谈,了解一下 金融资源 that are available to cover things like lost wages, travels costs, lodging, and dependent care.

“Being a 活体器官捐献者 is a very rewarding endeavor, knowing that your gift has dramatically improved or saved someone’s life,瓦伦丁说. “Money should never be a reason why someone can’t donate an organ.” 


The most common reason people decide to become a living donor is because a loved one is in need. But you may choose to become an altruistic donor and give an organ to someone who needs it, 即使你不认识他们. 

Regardless of your reason for becoming a donor, you can get the process started by filling out 这个调查问卷 via University of Utah Health or search for 移植 centers all over the country on the 器官获取和移植网络 网站.
