


The 莫兰眼科中心’s state-of-the-art laser-assisted cataract surgeries allow for a customized procedure with unparalleled accuracy. Our highly trained surgeons have extensive experience that allows them to help each patient with personalized care.

If you’re looking for a cataract doctor near you, Moran has the top experts in the field right here in Utah.



如果你发现视力浑浊或模糊, 灯光周围的光晕, 或者夜视能力差, 你可能得了白内障.

A cataract is a gradual thickening and hardening of the naturally transparent lens in the eye. The lens becomes clouded or opaque as it thickens, preventing light from reaching your retina. As less light reaches your retina, it becomes increasingly difficult to see.

Your surgeon will remove the cloudy lens in your eye and replace it with a substitute artificial lens, 称为人工晶状体, 或人工晶体.

The 莫兰眼科中心 offers the most advanced laser cataract surgery available, and our surgeons are dedicated to excellence in the treatment of all types of cataracts. Cataract surgery is one of the safest, most effective, and most common operations performed. 因为白内障不会复发, cataract surgery can improve the quality of your vision for years to come.

Contact us at 801-581-2352 to schedule a consultation.





Phacoemulsification (also called small incision cataract surgery)

Phacoemulsification is the most common type of cataract removal procedure. The surgeon makes a small incision on the side of the cornea—the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of the eye—where a tiny probe emits ultrasound waves to soften and break up the cloudy center of the lens. The cataract is then removed by suction through the same incision.


在这个过程中, a longer incision is made on the side of the cornea to remove the hard center of the lens; the remainder of the lens is then removed by suction.


作为手动切口的替代方案, the 莫兰眼科中心 also offers laser-assisted cataract surgery. Femtosecond laser assisted cataract surgery (FLACS) adds computer control to key steps of the procedure. Its unique system analyzes high-resolution OCT images of your eye; helps the surgeon to design a customized procedure; and then, visualizes and performs the procedure on command from the surgeon.

进一步提高准确度, a patient interface connects your eye to the image-guided surgical unit, so that both the femtosecond laser computer and the surgeon commanding it have precise, real-time images at all times during the laser procedure.



  • 单焦透镜 - The most common type of lenses used in cataract surgery are monofocal (or single focus) lenses. These can be fitted to provide either near or distance vision—most patients opt for far vision in both eyes. 结果是, reading glasses are usually required after surgery, and glasses are sometimes required for vision at far distances as well. 这种类型的隐形眼镜是由医疗保险覆盖的.
  • 多焦镜头,高级选项 - These implants split the light coming into your eye for distance and near vision, 并大发娱乐提供最自由的眼镜. 在一些病人中, these implants can cause halos (rings around lights at night) which tend to fade four to six weeks after surgery. A corneal procedure correcting astigmatism can be performed at the same time by your doctor. Medicare provides partial coverage for these lenses.*

*病人 with certain eye conditions including glaucoma, 糖尿病性视网膜病变, 视网膜瘢痕组织, 角膜疤痕, or who previously underwent radial keratotomy, 是否不适合这种类型的镜头. Your doctor will review your examination findings to determine if you are a good candidate.


Your doctor can use laser reshaping of the cornea or an astigmatism-correcting lens implant to treat your astigmatism at the time of cataract removal. Astigmatism occurs when the cornea (front window) of the eye is shaped more like a football than a sphere. 如果你有角膜散光, leaving it untreated would mean you would need glasses for both distance and near vision after cataract removal.


These implants change position within your eye based on your eye muscle effort. Accommodating lenses can treat astigmatism, but give slightly less near power than multifocal lenses. They are typically used in patients who are ineligible for multifocals due to mild or moderate glaucoma, 糖尿病性视网膜病变, 视网膜瘢痕组织, 角膜疤痕, 或之前的桡骨角膜切开术. Medicare provides partial coverage for these lenses.



After cataract surgery, your vision can become cloudy due to what is known as an after-cataract. 在这种情况下, 后囊, 是什么使镜片固定, 变得浑浊,可能会模糊你的视力. An after-cataract can develop months or even years after surgery.


An after-cataract is treated by a technique called YAG laser capsulotomy. Your doctor uses a laser beam to create a tiny hole in 后囊 to let light pass through. 这是一种无痛的门诊手术.


Questions to Help You Choose a Cataract Surgeon

莫兰专家雷切尔·辛普森, MD, offers this list of questions to ask during your cataract consultation with a potential surgeon - along with the answers you want to hear.


By age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.