

Layers of connective tissues in your knee allow you to move with stability and ease. 你可能会感到疼痛, 刚度, 肿胀, or difficulty moving if an injury or natural aging damages these tissues.

膝盖 preservation is a group of treatments to repair tissue damage or slow tissue breakdown. 它可以大发娱乐你延迟或避免 膝关节置换.


U of U Health 's 整形专家 治疗更多的病人 膝盖条件 比西部山区其他任何医疗团队都要多. Our subspecialists are the only ones in the region who focus solely on treating patients with knee injuries. 大发娱乐使用和研究先进的技术, offering eligible patients access to new treatments through clinical trials not available elsewhere in the region.


膝关节保护Vs. 膝关节置换

膝关节保护, we use nonsurgical and surgical treatments to repair or protect the tissues in your knee. 与一个 膝关节置换, we remove all or part of the knee joint and replace it with prosthetic parts.

Preservation treatments may be an alternative to 膝关节置换 surgery for some patients. Our providers usually recommend knee preservation for patients younger than 50. 大发娱乐可能会为一些50岁以上的病人大发娱乐提供这些治疗, 这取决于他们的伤势和活动水平.

大发娱乐避免 关节置换手术 in younger patients as much as possible because 关节置换手术 only last a maximum of 10 to 20 years. We ideally reserve 膝关节置换s for patients older than 50 who have little to no cartilage left in their knee.



Two types of patients may be candidates for knee preservation treatments:

  • 40岁以下的运动员
  • people age 40 to 60—usually too active to be considered good candidates for joint replacement—who have cartilage breakdown.


膝盖 repair or preservation may be appropriate treatment for patients with:


如果你经历过 外伤性膝伤, such as a twist or fall while playing sports, see a knee specialist for treatment.

It may be time to schedule an appointment with a knee specialist if you’ve had 膝盖疼痛 :

  • 持续两到三周或更长时间.
  • 干扰您的日常活动或恶化.
  • 导致你的膝盖不能正常工作.


Our providers may use nonsurgical or surgical treatments to preserve your knee. The treatment that’s best for you depends on several factors, including:


Depending on the extent of your knee injury, our providers may start with nonsurgical treatments. 这可能包括:

  • 物理治疗,
  • 停止那些会加重疼痛的活动,或者
  • wearing a cast or brace temporarily or long-term during certain activities.


年龄小于50岁的患者可能是 膝关节软骨修复术. These treatments aim to restore the cartilage in your knee with your own tissue or donor tissue (donated human tissue from a cadaver).


  • 韧带修复或重建—Your orthopedic surgeon will reattach or reconstruct the torn ligament during a ligament surgery. Younger patients with cartilage damage often have a ligament injury. 例如,你可能有一个 前交叉韧带(ACL)重建 如果你的前交叉韧带撕裂.
  • 截骨术—This procedure will realign your bones to take pressure off your injured knee. You may have an osteotomy alone or in addition to a cartilage restoration procedure.
  • 部分膝关节置换术—Your orthopedic surgeon will replace the damaged portion of your knee. 病人 younger than 60 may have a partial 膝关节置换 to delay or avoid a total 膝关节置换. 


After knee preservation surgery, you’ll use crutches for about six weeks. 你会 物理治疗 手术后大约两周. It will take three to six months to get back to your usual activity levels.


膝盖 preservation treatments help many patients delay or completely avoid a 膝关节置换. Preservation treatments reduce pain, improve function, and help you stay active as you age.

It’s important to understand that the success of knee preservation treatments depends on how closely you follow your doctor’s post-care instructions. You may need to adjust your activities long-term to keep your knee healthy and avoid further cartilage breakdown.

For instance, a runner may need to scale back the frequency and duration of their runs. 最终, they may need to transition to activities that put less stress on their joints, 比如骑自行车或游泳.


Reach out to our knee specialists to discuss your options for pain relief. 呼叫 801-587-7109 to schedule a visit with our knee preservation team. 你不需要推荐, but it’s important to check with your insurance before making an appointment.

转介病人到大发娱乐的膝关节保护小组,你可以 请填写大发娱乐的推荐表格 or call 866-850-8863 to speak with a physician referral specialist. 当转诊病人时, 请寄给大发娱乐一份他们的相关医疗记录副本, 包括成像测试. 您可以将记录传真到801-581-4404.


大发娱乐为成人大发娱乐提供专业护理和骨科评估, 青少年, and children who are experiencing problems of the bones and joints. Our 整形专家 diagnose and treat everything from simple sprains and strains to complex conditions.


Medical School Student Grateful for Care from Ortho Injury Clinic

波利Creveling, 犹他大学医学院三年级学生, 在两英尺深的地方滑雪吗, 当她的滑雪板卡在下面坚硬的雪中时,她的滑雪板上出现了新鲜的雪粉. 她的膝盖一阵剧痛. 她被诊断为前交叉韧带撕裂和半月板撕裂. With the in-depth comprehensive care she received from the Orthopaedic Injury Clinic and her orthopedic surgery team, she was able to continue her athletic lifestyle and participate in her med school rotations.


