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What Is Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery?

内窥镜脊柱手术是一种革命性的、微创的脊柱护理方法. 这个过程使用小工具和一个带角度相机镜头的内窥镜来放大和照亮你的脊柱. 这可以让你的外科医生接触到你的脊柱,很少甚至不需要移除骨头或肌肉. 这项技术可以让你的外科医生用更小的切口(手术切口)来纠正你的脊柱问题。, 更少的风险, and quicker recovery. 

Open 脊柱 Surgery vs. Minimally Invasive Surgery 


  • 开放手术需要你的外科医生将你的肌肉移开,以便看到你的脊柱. During endoscopic surgery, 你的外科医生使用一个内窥镜,在尖端有一个摄像头,可以让他们看到你的脊柱,而不切除你的任何肌肉. This technique reduces your risk of muscle injury and trauma during surgery.
  • 内窥镜脊柱外科医生在手术过程中使用连续的静脉输液冲洗切口. 这种技术可以保持空气在你的切口外循环,以减少失血和感染.

Best Candidates For Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery

内窥镜脊柱手术的最佳候选者是那些简单的脊柱问题,如 脊髓狭窄 或者一个 椎间盘突出. 脊柱侧凸 and other more complex spine conditions often require other types of surgery. 然而, 大发娱乐可以用内窥镜脊柱手术治疗一些复杂的脊柱疾病,具体情况具体分析.  


  • 核磁共振成像 和/或 CT扫描 你的脊椎
  • 脊柱 x射线 that show movement
  • A physical exam to ensure you're not at high risk for complications
  • Answer detailed questionnaires and complete pain drawings


风险 & Benefits of Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery


There are many benefits of endoscopic spine surgery:

  • 小切口
  • Less muscle trauma
  • 少失血
  • Less infection risk
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Quicker recovery time
  • Less reliance on pain medication


研究表明,内窥镜手术的并发症比开放手术少. 然而,内窥镜脊柱手术的风险与更传统的脊柱手术相似:

  • Injury to the nerve root
  • Leaking of spinal fluid, which may cause headaches after surgery
  • 血凝块
  • Allergic reactions or complications from anesthesia
  • 感染
"I went into [endoscopic] surgery, got out of surgery, was on the road f或者一个n hour and a half, 回家, 然后打了个盹. 然后我在跑步机上走了半英里,一点也不疼."
兰迪。奥尔德姆 Endoscopic spine patient

Find an Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgeon

What to Expect During Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery

During the procedure, 你的脊柱外科医生使用内窥镜(一种尖端有明亮光线的微型相机,带有一系列用于工具和冲洗的管子)来进入你的脊柱. Your surgeon inserts the endoscope through a small surgical cut in your skin. 切口是7-10毫米,大约是你小指上指甲的宽度. 内窥镜上的摄像头可以让大发娱乐的外科医生从多个角度看到你的脊柱. This helps our surgeons operate around tight corners and spaces, which can't be done with traditional open surgery. Depending on your condition, 你的外科医生可能会在不破坏周围组织的情况下切除你的椎间盘突出部分或减轻神经压力.

Most endoscopic spine surgery do not require an overnight hospital stay. More than 90% of our patients sleep in their own bed the night after surgery.


If you are scheduled for endoscopic spine surgery, our care team will guide you in preparing for the procedure. 麻醉师会问你一些问题来评估你在手术中需要的合适的麻醉剂量. 你的护理团队也可能会根据你可能有的任何潜在健康状况,要求你做血液检查或其他术前检查. 在进行内窥镜脊柱手术之前,您可能还需要获得其他医生的批准. 

You will need to follow these instructions to prepare for surgery: 

  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.
  • Minimize the use of narcotics (painkillers). 
  • 和医生一起更换血液稀释剂或降压药.
  • Avoid eating after midnight the day before surgery. 

Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery Recovery


After surgery, your surgeon will advise you on the following instructions:

  • Avoid showering until the day after your surgery.
  • 一个月内不要洗澡,因为将切口浸泡在水中可能会增加感染的机会.
  • Avoid lifting heavy objects f或者一个 month.
  • Use ice, heat, 或者一个nti-inflammatory medicine for mild pain relief.



During your recovery, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Return of sensations as previously numb areas begin to normalize
  • 肌肉抽搐
  • 不宁腿

These symptoms are a normal part of your recovery and not a cause for concern. 如果你在切口处感到剧烈疼痛或出现发烧和发冷, contact our team immediately.

Return to Activity

You should be able to return to work within a few days. If your job is labor-intensive, 你可能需要额外休息一段时间,直到你完全康复.  


手术后六周,你将与脊柱医生有一个后续预约. We may schedule you f或者一个nother follow-up up to six months after your surgery, depending on your recovery progress. Physical therapy can improve the results of your surgery. 

Endoscopic Back Surgery Success Rate

Endoscopic spine surgery has a high success rate. 超过90%的患者报告手术后疼痛减轻,活动能力增强. 随着时间的推移, 你将能够恢复一些你曾经不得不避免的活动,因为你的脊柱状况.

Active Again—Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery Changes the Game

兰迪。奥尔德姆 had major back surgery that hospitalized him for two nights. It took him a year and a half to fully come back. 当他得知他今年又要接受背部手术时,他的脊椎又开始剧烈疼痛了, he was devastated and dreading a similar outcome. But this time, Randy turned to U of U Health for endoscopic spine surgery.

Read Randy's Story

Schedule a 脊柱 Evaluation

大发娱乐在U of U Health的脊柱专家将大发娱乐您确定手术是否适合治疗您的背部问题. At your first evaluation, 大发娱乐的专家会询问您的病史,并确定内窥镜脊柱手术是否是纠正背痛的最佳治疗方法. 

您将需要您的初级保健大发娱乐提供者或其他专家的推荐来预约. 呼叫 801-585-6065 to schedule your evaluation.

Contact the 目的地保健 Program

内窥镜 & Percutaneous 脊柱 Program is part of U of U Health's 目的地保健 Program. 该计划通过为系统导航和额外资源大发娱乐提供一个联系点,为您的旅行患者大发娱乐提供无缝和协调的护理. Feel free to contact us:

电话: 801-587-6365


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Watch Amy McClosky-McGinley's Story

When confronted with debilitating pain from her herniated disc, Amy sought the expertise of U of U Health's neurosurgery team f或者一个n endoscopic discectomy. 他们坚定的支持和微创治疗使她走上了康复之路, allowing her to reclaim her vibrant life.

Hear From Our Specialists

What to Expect After Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery

最近生物医学的进步使得某些脊柱手术可以通过微创手术进行, outpatient procedure. For patients undergoing endoscopic spine surgery, Dr. 马克·马汉解释了在你的恢复过程中会发生什么——包括一两周的恢复时间.


Is Endoscopic 脊柱 Surgery Right For You?

如果你或你所爱的人正在经历椎管狭窄或椎间盘突出等问题, you may be considering spinal surgery. This may seem like a complicated operation with a very long recovery time, 但最近的进步可能使门诊内窥镜检查成为你的一种选择. Dr. 马克·马汉解释了程序的不同,以及你是否是候选人.
