

Spine surgery can be a treatment option for a number of conditions or injuries affecting the back 和 neck, 如:

Learning about the different types of spine surgery we perform 和 speaking with a spine specialist at University of Utah Health can help you determine if surgery is an appropriate treatment for you.



  • 非手术治疗,如物理治疗, 热, 药物治疗, 类固醇注射, 可的松注射也没有效果.
  • Your back or 颈部疼痛 is ongoing 和 keeps you from being able to work or enjoy daily activities.
  • We can determine the cause of your symptoms 和 surgery is appropriate for your condition 和 overall health.



There are three main types of spine surgery that doctors perform at University of Utah Health for the back 和 neck. They are spinal decompression surgery, spinal fusion, 和 artificial disc replacement. Each surgery has variations that we can perform based on your unique situation.

1. 脊柱减压手术

脊髓减压 surgery can remove pressure from the nerves, spinal cord, 和 discs in your spine. We may suggest one or more of these surgical procedures based on your condition.

  • 有效率: 切除全部或部分椎间盘突出
  • 椎板切开术: removes some of your lamina bone to enlarge your spinal canal 和/or provide access to a disc for some other surgeries
  • Foraminotomy 或Foraminectomy: removes bone 和 tissue on the side of your vertebrae to increase space for nerves

If your spine also needs stabilization, we may suggest a spinal fusion as well.

2. 脊柱融合术

脊柱融合术 连接背部或颈部的两个或多个椎骨. 它可以大发娱乐

  • 正确的情况,比如脊柱侧凸,
  • 当椎间盘突出被移除时,稳定脊柱,或者
  • 如果你的脊椎之间有疼痛的运动,稳定你的脊椎.

During the surgery, we place a bone graft around two or more vertebrae in your spine. 几个月后,受影响的骨头融合在一起.

3. 人工椎间盘置换术(或 关节成形术)

在手术过程中, we replace a disc that is causing problems in your back or neck with an artificial disc. 替代品可以由金属、塑料或两者的组合制成.

The goal of this procedure is to maintain more normal motion between your vertebrae. 正因为如此, artificial disc replacement can be an alternative to spinal fusion surgery in some situations. It may also help restore height between the vertebrae 和 room for nerve roots.

微创手术Vs. 传统(开放)手术

We can perform surgical procedures for the back 和 neck as open surgery or as minimally invasive surgery (MIS) procedures, 如 内窥镜脊柱手术. 每种方法都有其自身的优势和风险, which you should thoroughly discuss with your spine specialist when considering surgery.


There are several things you can do to help your spine surgery 和 recovery be as smooth as possible. 建议可能因医生或手术而异. 然而,以下是一些最常见的准备方法:

1. 照顾好你的整体健康. To make sure you are in optimal medical condition for surgery, your doctor may suggest that you:

  • 做身体检查、血液检查和其他检查;
  • lose weight if you are overweight or obese; 和
  • 如果你有糖尿病,保持理想的糖化血红蛋白水平.

2. 戒烟和戒烟. If you smoke or use tobacco products, it could put you at a greater risk of complications. 告诉你的医生很重要,这样你就可以制定一个戒烟计划, 最好是手术前几个月.

3. 停止服用某些药物和补充剂(按照医生的指示). Your doctor may ask you to stop taking certain 药物治疗s 和 supplements before surgery. These may include narcotic pain 药物治疗, anti-inflammatories, blood thinners, insulin, 和 more. You may need to stop some for several days 和 others just on the day of surgery.

4. 保持活跃. 手术前尽量多活动. 选择你的身体可以承受的活动——散步, 游泳, 或者骑健身车, 例如. 有规律的体育锻炼可以大发娱乐你:

  • 保持健康的体重可以大发娱乐你恢复得更快
  • 减少血液凝块或循环问题的风险.

5. 获得他人的支持. 确保有人可以帮你:

  • 在手术前和手术后保持精神健康;
  • drive you home from the hospital; 和
  • 帮你回家后搬家, 准备食物, 照顾好其他的家庭需求——尤其是在最初的几天里.

6. 遵循医生的其他建议. 你的医生可能会给你其他具体的指示. 如果是这样,那么彻底地回顾和遵循它们是很重要的.



在你的手术开始之前,你会通过静脉输液. When it's time for your procedure, you will get anesthesia through your IV to put you to sleep. 你的静脉注射也可以用来给药.


大发娱乐可以通过几种不同的方式进入你的脊柱:从背部(后), 前(前), 或侧面(侧面). The approach for your procedure we decide on will determine how we position you 和 where we will make the incision(s) for your procedure.


The time your procedure takes depends on the specific steps your surgeon uses 和 type of spinal surgery you are having. 该入路,无论是开放手术还是微创手术, 也会影响手术时间. 一般来说,脊柱手术需要几个小时.



The amount of time you spend in the hospital after surgery depends on the type of surgery you have 和 your physical condition. 在大多数情况下,潜伏期为2至5天. 当你该出院的时候, medical staff will provide you with instructions on caring for your spine after surgery.


每个人的恢复过程可能不同. 让你的工作尽可能顺利, your doctor may offer recommendations like these for the first few weeks after spine surgery:

  • Start physical therapy or occupational therapy to help you regain strength 和 mobility.
  • 在愈合过程中佩戴背部或颈部支架以大发娱乐提供支撑.
  • 避免扭曲、弯曲、举起重物和长时间坐着.
  • 服用药物减轻疼痛.
  • 预约后续拆针并监测你的进展.

During this time, you may also see an improvement in symptoms like pain, weakness, 和 numbness. 然而,一些脊柱手术的恢复需要更长的时间.


虽然手术可以有效地解决许多脊柱问题, 不能保证手术能缓解你的症状. 成功取决于几个因素, 所以最好和脊柱专家谈谈你的具体情况.


所有的手术都有风险,你应该和你的医生讨论. 脊柱手术的大多数风险是罕见的,但可能包括:

  • 感染,
  • 出血,
  • 血栓,
  • 全身麻醉风险,
  • 神经损伤,或
  • 其他特定程序的风险.

There’s also a chance that back surgery won’t relieve your symptoms or that your symptoms may return or get worse in the future. 其他疾病和你的身体状况也会影响你的手术.



大发娱乐考虑推荐脊柱手术之前, 大发娱乐会对你的特殊情况进行全面评估. 如果你有背部或颈部疼痛,请与大发娱乐联系 安排评估.

大发娱乐汇集了两方面的专家 临床神经科学中心大学骨科中心 这样你才能得到最好的结果. 大发娱乐的专家都是经过认证的, 训练, 了解最新的医学研究, 和 will work with you to review your treatment options 和 develop a personalized plan.


当她因椎间盘突出而感到虚弱的疼痛时, 艾米向大发娱乐寻求专业知识&大发娱乐的神经外科小组做内窥镜椎间盘切除术. Their steadfast support 和 minimally invasive treatments set her on a path to healing 和 recovery, 让她重新过上充满活力的生活.

