


前列腺是男性的腺体. 它包围着连接膀胱的尿道(尿路). During a male’s fertile years, the 前列腺癌 gland makes fluid that comes out during ejaculation. 随着年龄的增长,男性的前列腺可能会增大. 大多数男性在30多岁时开始出现前列腺增生. 然而,症状可能直到50岁或更晚才会明显.

在犹他大学健康中心,大发娱乐的 泌尿科医生 provide the full spectrum of treatment for men with an enlarged 前列腺癌 — also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Our highly trained specialists help diagnose enlarged 前列腺癌 issues and offer a range of treatments, 包括保守治疗, 微创手术选择, 更高级的手术.


A normal-sized 前列腺癌 is around 25 grams — approximately the size of a walnut. However, an enlarged 前列腺癌 may grow well over three times the normal size (over 80 grams). 男性前列腺的大小因人而异. Size is just one of the many factors we consider when determining whether a man needs treatment for BPH.

Our doctors use a variety of tools to determine if you have an enlarged 前列腺癌 and need treatment, 包括:

  • 体格检查,
  • 症状的讨论,
  • 症状的严重程度
  • 诊断测试,以及
  • 实验室测试.


The most common symptoms of BPH (enlarged 前列腺癌) relate to urinary function. 你可能会经历:

  • 膀胱阻塞:膀胱阻塞,如尿流缓慢;
  • 小便时开始和停止;
  • 不能完全排空膀胱;
  • 膀胱刺激或不适;
  • 急尿的感到急尿的;
  • waking up multiple times at night to urinate; or
  • 尿失禁 (无法控制自己的膀胱).

当你更努力地把尿液排出时, 这些泌尿系统症状最终会对你的膀胱造成压力. 这可能会导致膀胱异常或其他问题. 与你的医生讨论前列腺增生的任何潜在症状是很重要的.


About half of all men over the age of 40 will experience some symptoms of BPH. 如果这些症状变得令人烦恼或干扰了你的日常生活, talk to your primary care provider or schedule an appointment to see a urology specialist. Ignoring your symptoms could lead to even more discomfort and disruption in your life. In severe cases, an enlarged 前列腺癌 could lead to bladder or kidney problems if left untreated. 

Stephen J. 萨默斯博士解释了良性前列腺增生(BPH)。.


BPH(前列腺肥大)的确切病因尚不清楚. 随着年龄的增长,大多数男性都会经历前列腺肿大. 一些可能导致前列腺增大的危险因素包括:

  • 前列腺肥大家族史;
  • 超重或肥胖,
  • 久坐不动的生活方式,
  • 糖尿病,
  • 心脏病,以及
  • 老化. 

The following items don’t cause BPH, but could make your symptoms worse, 包括: 

  • 某些处方药,如受体阻滞剂和利尿剂;
  • 一类抗抑郁药叫做三环抗抑郁药;
  • 非处方药,如抗组胺药, 减充血剂, 或非甾体抗炎药(非甾体抗炎药);
  • some types of beverages, such as 酒精, coffee, tea, or soda; and
  • 某些食物,如红肉、辛辣食物或乳制品.



A primary care provider (PCP) or urologist will diagnose BPH (enlarged 前列腺癌) after a discussion of your symptoms and a physical exam. Your doctor may recommend additional tests or im老化 if the cause is not clear or if they need to rule out other conditions. The specific tests you need, if any, will depend on your health, family history, and other factors.


  • 尿检
  • 直肠指诊 医生会用他们的手指来确定前列腺的大小和质地.  
  • 〇血液检查 这将有助于识别或排除任何肾脏问题.
  • 〇PSA血液检查 This test will identify any levels of 前列腺癌-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood, 前列腺分泌的一种化学物质.
  • 尿流试验 这个测试将测量你的尿量和尿流强度.
  • 〇排尿日记 This journal will help you keep track of how often and how much you urinate in 24 hours.
  • 经直肠超声 We will insert a probe into your rectum that sends out high-energy sound waves to visualize and measure the size of your 前列腺癌.
  • 尿动力学(压力流)研究 During this study, a catheter (long, thin tube) will be inserted in your urethra.
  • 膀胱镜检查 大发娱乐将用摄像机观察你的尿道和膀胱.




If you have minimal symptoms, your urologist may recommend a period of “watchful waiting.” You may be instructed to make some changes to your diet and lifestyle habits to relieve symptoms of BPH, 比如减肥(如果有必要的话)或者控制血糖水平. Your doctor may also encourage you to keep a diary about your symptoms to see if they worsen over time.

Our doctors will schedule your appointments at regular intervals (at least once a year or more often, (如有需要): 

  • 讨论你的症状.
  • 进行身体检查.
  • 订购实验室检查.

If your BPH gets worse, your doctor will recommend one or more of the following treatment options. 


Some patients can successfully address BPH with medication and avoid the need for surgery or other interventions. 有四种常见的治疗前列腺肥大的药物, 单独的或相互结合的:

  • 〇α阻断剂 This medication will relax your 前列腺癌 and bladder opening to allow better urine flow. 许多人看到他们的症状有所改善,没有严重的副作用.
  • 5-还原酶抑制剂 这种药物可以阻断导致前列腺生长的激素. As a result, your 前列腺癌 will shrink slowly over a period of four to six months. 这种药物对前列腺肿大的病人效果最好.
  • 抗胆碱能药物 This medication will block receptors in your nerve cells that cause muscle movement in the gastrointestinal tract. It treats overactive bladder, frequent urination, and consistent urges to urinate.
  • PDE5抑制剂 This medication will relax the muscles in your bladder and 前列腺癌 to reduce some of the symptoms of BPH.


如果药物不能减轻或消除前列腺增生的症状, 泌尿科医生可能会建议你做前列腺手术. Our 泌尿科医生 perform a wide range of surgeries to open the urethra where it runs through the 前列腺癌.


对于大多数患者来说,前列腺肥大是可以治愈的. 有些人发现单靠药物治疗症状明显减轻. 如果药物不起作用, 或者你的前列腺太大, 手术通常会切除足够的前列腺来缓解疼痛. 然而,你的前列腺组织有可能会长回来. 如果出现这种情况,你的医生可能会建议额外的手术或药物治疗.

Stephen J. 医学博士萨默斯讨论前列腺增生的医疗管理.


Benign prostatic hyperplasia means that you are experiencing abnormal cell growth in your 前列腺癌, 是什么导致它变大. 良性意味着它不是癌症. 研究没有发现前列腺增生与前列腺癌之间的联系. In fact, an enlarged 前列腺癌 will not increase your risk for developing 前列腺癌. 

如果你的泌尿科医生怀疑你可能有 前列腺癌,他或她会建议进行诊断测试,例如:

  • 前列腺活检,
  • PSA测试(前列腺特异性抗原,一种由前列腺产生的化学物质),或者
  • 前列腺癌MRI.

Some late-stage cancers may also show symptoms that are similar to an enlarged 前列腺癌, 特别是如果你的癌症在尿道区域. 和你的医生谈谈你的症状,以得到正确的诊断.

Stephen J. 医学博士萨默斯讨论了前列腺增生的并发症。.


Most natural remedies have little or no scientific research to indicate whether they are effective for treating the symptoms of BPH (enlarged 前列腺癌).


  • 健康饮食.
  • eating five servings of fruits and vegetables each day (especially citrus fruits).
  • 大部分时间做适度到剧烈的运动.
  • 减肥或保持健康的体重.
  • 限制咖啡因和酒精(它们会增加小便的冲动).
  • 睡前几小时不要喝液体. 


Some foods and beverages may negatively impact the health of your 前列腺癌 or worsen your BPH symptoms. The types of foods that might irritate your bladder can vary from person to person, 所以有些食物可能对你没有影响,而有些食物会.

Discuss with your doctor which of these "bladder irritants" you may want to avoid:  

  • 咖啡因,
  • 酒精,
  • 红肉,
  • 加工过的肉类,
  • 高脂肪食物(如乳制品)
  • 巧克力,
  • 西红柿,和/或
  • 酸性水果(如葡萄柚、柠檬和橙子).

Stephen J. 萨默斯, MD, talks about making lifestyle changes to better manage BPH (enlarged 前列腺癌).


打电话给U健康泌尿科的U 801-213-2700 预约一位经验丰富的泌尿科医生. 

您不需要您的PCP的推荐来安排与大发娱乐的预约. However, some insurance providers require that you get a referral before you see a specialist. Contact your insurance carrier with any questions you may have about your plan requirements.


Stephen J. 医学博士萨默斯与Studio 5讨论了前列腺增生的治疗.

Stephen J. 萨默斯, MD, 谈良性前列腺增生(BPH), 或者前列腺肥大, 在Real Sports Live上.
