

Women of reproductive age bleed once a month during their menstrual period. 当你的子宫内膜脱落时就会发生这种情况, and the blood and tissue pass through the vagina and out of your body.

However, not all women experience this consistent, monthly uterine bleeding. Some women have infrequent or inconsistent periods. And some women will experience uterine bleeding after they’re past reproductive age and in 更年期.  


不正常的 uterine bleeding is any menstrual cycle that varies more than expected in:

  • 持续时间、
  • 频率,或
  • 沉重.

不正常的 uterine bleeding may also include bleeding at unexpected times, such as after 更年期.


The primary symptom is irregular bleeding, which may: 

  • 每21天发生一次以上,
  • 不到38天发生一次,
  • 持续时间超过七天,或者
  • 自相矛盾,以至于无法预测.

Other abnormal uterine bleeding symptoms may include: 

  • 性交后出血;
  • 极度疲劳,
  • heavy bleeding or passing many clots during your period,
  • 痛经,或
  • 发现月经间隔.


Many different types of health conditions cause abnormal uterine bleeding, including:

  • 子宫腺肌症 (你的子宫内膜长进子宫),
  • 子宫内膜增生 (子宫内膜厚);
  • 子宫内膜异位 (your uterine lining grows outside your 子宫),
  • 肌瘤 或者息肉(子宫不规则生长),
  • 高泌乳素血症 (excess prolactin, the hormone that stimulates milk production),
  • 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS), (a hormonal imbalance that leads to high levels of hormones called androgens), and
  • 妇科癌症.

不正常的 uterine bleeding can also arise from causes not directly related to your reproductive organs, such as extreme weight loss or thyroid conditions. 


更年期 occurs when a woman hasn’t had a menstrual cycle for at least 12 consecutive months. But some women have uterine bleeding after 更年期. Common causes of bleeding after 更年期 include:

  • atrophy (weakening) of the 子宫 from low hormones,
  • 子宫内膜增生,
  • 息肉, or
  • hormone replacement therapy, a 更年期 treatment to adjust your hormone levels.

妇科癌症 绝经后也会引起出血吗. If you experience abnormal uterine bleeding after 更年期, it’s important to see a health care provider for a diagnosis.


An irregular cycle length or 发现月经间隔 isn’t always a cause for concern. However, it may be time to see a gynecologist if you:

  • 出血后 更年期,
  • experience abnormal uterine bleeding for more than one to two months, or
  • have symptoms that interfere with your usual activities.

What to Expect during Your Gynecological Evaluation


Your gynecologist will conduct a medical exam and ask you questions about your symptoms, 病史, 生活习惯. 

Based on your answers to these questions, your provider uses additional tests, including:


Your gynecologist will likely order an endometrial biopsy (a tissue sample of your uterine lining for lab analysis) if you are:

  • 超过45岁或
  • over 35 and have a history of PCOS or infrequent periods. 

Women younger than 35 typically don’t need endometrial biopsies to diagnose abnormal uterine bleeding.



Your treatment options will depend on the underlying cause of irregular bleeding. We often treat abnormal uterine bleeding with medications, such as:

  • 生育控制 pills to regulate your periods or decrease uterine bleeding,
  • gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonists and antagonists to shrink 肌瘤 or stop your menstrual cycle,
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to treat pain and reduce inflammation, or
  • tranexamic acid to reduce heavy menstrual bleeding. 

Progestin-releasing 宫内节育器 also help decrease uterine bleeding and regulate periods.


Simple, minimally invasive procedures can treat some problems, such as 息肉 或子宫内膜增生,包括:

  • 子宫镜检查 (procedure that uses a small lighted tool and surgical instruments to remove abnormal tissue or growths),
  • 子宫动脉栓塞术 (一个小, flexible tool that sends tiny particles to block the blood vessels that supply blood to 子宫肌瘤), or
  • 腹腔镜肌瘤切除术 (肌瘤切除技术).

子宫切除术(子宫切除) 可能会被推荐 for women who are past childbearing age or have no plans to have children in the future if other treatments aren’t an option.


在U of U Health,大发娱乐的 妇女健康服务 team provides comprehensive, nationally recognized top-quality care. 大发娱乐使用先进的技术和工具, many of which aren’t available elsewhere in the region, 如生理盐水输注超声图和 办公室子宫镜检查, which give our gynecologists a better view of the 子宫.

We are one of just a few groups in the region using minimally invasive surgery techniques to remove 子宫肌瘤. Our team has more fellowship-trained minimally invasive gynecological surgeons on staff than anywhere else in the Mountain West region.


You don’t have to live with abnormal uterine bleeding. 今天就寻求大发娱乐. You may make an appointment by calling 801-213-2995 to see one of our gynecologists.

把病人转介到大发娱乐的 妇女保健处; 请填写大发娱乐的 网上转介表格 或致电801-581-2897.

