
护理 & 支持 for Families Who Have Experienced a 死胎

对父母来说,因死产而失去孩子是一种情感上毁灭性的经历. 犹他健康大学大发娱乐提供了广泛的资源和支持,可以大发娱乐父母悲伤, 找到答案, and look to the future with a sense of hope. 

40多年来,大发娱乐的专家一直在照顾那些经历过死产的人. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供 为在大发娱乐分娩的妇女大发娱乐提供爱心护理,重点是大发娱乐他们在短暂的相处时间里与孩子一起创造回忆. 大发娱乐大发娱乐提供全面的咨询服务,大发娱乐父母了解可能导致死产的原因以及如何防止未来的妊娠损失.

大发娱乐的研究人员毕生致力于了解死产发生的原因以及如何预防. 来自世界各地的人们参与了在犹他大学和犹他大学健康中心进行的死产研究.



A stillbirth is defined as the death of a baby after the 20th week of pregnancy, before the baby can be delivered. An estimated one in 160 pregnancies ends in stillbirth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

在美国,有一小部分女性(1%到2%)经历过不止一次流产或死胎. 这叫做 复发性流产 and is especially devastating for couples who wish to have children. The grief can seem overwhelming, and it is important for parents to learn about the grieving process and seek support if needed.

A close-up of a female and male couple holding hands

Join Us at the 死胎 Symposium

We welcome parents and family members to join us at the 死胎 Symposium. 您将从U of U Health的死产专家和国际死产研究人员那里了解死产差异.


死胎s can be caused by:

  • 胎盘(孕妇子宫中与婴儿一起存在的器官)或脐带(将氧气和营养物质从胎盘输送到未出生婴儿的血液中)的问题.
  • medical conditions affecting the mother. These may include high blood pressure, diabetes, lupus, and others.
  • birth defects and genetic conditions. These are responsible for about 10 percent of all stillbirths. The risk of birth defects increases as women get older.
  • infections, even if the mother has no symptoms of infection. Infections cause about 10 percent of stillbirths in the U.S. 

尸检(医学检查)通常会大发娱乐医生了解婴儿死亡的原因. 如果您选择进行尸检或火化,大发娱乐将支付您的费用.

Some families feel uncomfortable with autopsy. 然而,在许多情况下,这是因为他们可能对尸检的内容有误解. 大发娱乐很乐意与家属讨论尸检的细节,包括潜在的好处和替代方案.

Doctors don’t always know why a stillbirth has occurred, which can be difficult for parents to accept. Our maternal-fetal medicine doctors specialize in 高危妊娠 and offer comprehensive consultations after a stillbirth, 这有时有助于解释为什么会发生死胎,以及如何防止未来的流产.

Find a Specialist in 死胎

After 死胎: What to Expect at the Hospital

Caring doctors, nurses, and other providers in our 妇女健康服务 will provide support and resources for those who have experienced a stillbirth.

如果你的孩子在 University of Utah Hospital, our doctors and nurses will assist you with every aspect of the delivery. They will also help you create memories with your child during your time together. Many parents find that this helps them cope with their grief later. 

U of U Health大发娱乐提供了一种“冷却床”,可以暂时保存已故新生儿的尸体,这样父母就有机会与孩子建立联系,并说再见. If parents are interested, we will help them:

  • make arrangements with a photographer to take photos of them with their child and
  • 收集纪念品, such as a lock of the baby’s hair, 的足迹, and plaster molds of feet and hands.

在您住院期间,大发娱乐的工作人员将尽一切可能使您感到舒适. A maternal-fetal medicine specialist from our 死胎 Center may visit. 他们将为经历过流产的妇女大发娱乐提供情感支持,并讨论大发娱乐的全面咨询.  


Returning Home from the Hospital

After you return home from the hospital, your OB/GYN or 认证护理助产士 will want to see you for a follow-up visit. 医生会检查以确保你的身体从分娩中恢复过来,还会告诉你孩子的尸检结果(如果你的孩子有尸检)以及其他测试的结果.   

Your provider may refer you to a 母胎的医生 如果您有兴趣接受大发娱乐的专家的咨询. You do not need a referral to make an appointment, 但大发娱乐的团队会查看所有与你怀孕和分娩有关的医疗记录. We will request these from your physician or nurse-midwife’s office.

What to Expect at Your 死胎 Consultation

If you come to U of U Health for a consultation, you will meet with a maternal-fetal medicine specialist who has extensive experience in helping people who have had a stillbirth.


  • talking to you about your pregnancy and the details of your child's birth.
  • ordering tests (which may include genetic testing). 如果你想找出死产的原因,这可能会很有大发娱乐.
  • 大发娱乐提供关于如何降低再次流产风险的建议(如果你希望再次怀孕). 
  • asking if you are interested in participating in our research efforts.

We rarely conduct physical examinations during this consultation. However, we may order lab work or imaging scans 了解更多信息.

怀孕 After 死胎

当一个女人经历了流产,再次发生的机会可能会增加.  However, treatment is available for many of the conditions that lead to pregnancy loss. Your doctor will talk to you about your options and answer any questions you have. 

Make an Appointment at the 死胎 Center

要预约死产中心的专家咨询,请致电 801-581-7746 to schedule an appointment.

Interested in a Virtual Visit?

Our maternal-fetal medicine specialists offer easy-to-use virtual visits. If interested, be sure to ask about this option when you request an appointment.


许多父母发现,参与研究可以大发娱乐科学家更多地发现导致死产的原因以及如何预防死产,这对他们来说是一种治疗. 大发娱乐在任何时候都有多达20个正在进行的研究,欢迎您的参与.

这些研究大多只允许研究人员访问你的医疗数据(以保护你隐私的方式),在某些情况下, allowing for collection of a few tubes of blood.

Our researchers are leaders in the field of pregnancy loss, and have developed interventions that lower the risk of stillbirths. 例如, 他们是第一批发现抗磷脂综合征是导致流产的原因的人.

在这一发现之后,他们开发了一种方法来检测和治疗患有这种疾病的女性. 在此之前,90%患有未经治疗的抗磷脂综合征的女性经历了流产. Now, appropriate treatment leads to an 85 percent live birth rate.

Resources for 死胎 Recovery & 情绪疗愈

大发娱乐鼓励那些经历过死产的人利用现有的许多资源来大发娱乐他们愈合. To learn more, you can contact organizations directly, or 萨拉·洛佩兹 at the 死胎 Center 了解更多信息 and guidance.


分享犹他州的父母 为那些受婴儿死亡影响的人大发娱乐提供支持小组和其他资源, whether during pregnancy or the first few months of life. You can visit their website or call 801-272-5355 了解更多信息.


明星的遗产 is a national program that offers in-person support, 在线支持小组, and research opportunities.

International 死胎 Alliance Conference

International 死胎 Alliance Conference 让研究人员和父母每年聚在一起讨论死胎研究, 预防, 和支持. You can attend in person or by video.


大发娱乐的机构为那些在怀孕期间或分娩后不久失去孩子的家庭举办追悼会. The service takes place at 橄榄山公墓 在盐湖城. To learn more, please call 801-595-9441.

Other Community 支持 Groups

犹他大学健康和初级儿童医院也大发娱乐提供支持小组. For more information on dates and locations, please call 801-585-9922.