


5126 W. 黎明百汇
南约旦,UT 84009



普拉提 is a method of mind-body exercises designed to develop 和 improve core strength, 对齐, 以及健康的身体意识. The 普拉提 Clinic teaches this method in a rehabilitation setting created from a whole body assessment 和 customized training program to promote healing 和 recovery. Common injuries treated include low back 和 neck pain, 关节炎, 平衡赤字, 以及过度使用造成的损伤,比如肌腱炎.

在普拉提曲目中 reformer秋千表 provide the safest way to learn how to move without pain or fear of pain. 每个练习n the 普拉提 Clinic can be modified to help you practice with 普拉提 mat exercises at home 和 progress into more advanced exercises.

服务 & 普拉提康复

大发娱乐的 物理治疗师 are trained in movement analysis within the 普拉提 method. 参观内容包括:

  • A back evaluation of spine stability, strength, 和 mobility, specific for your diagnosis
  • A 普拉提 fitness screen 和 injury analysis as related to your sport or lifestyle
  • A customized plan of 普拉提 exercises, movement skills, 和 lifestyle habits to promote healing
  • Postural retraining 和 individualized education
  • Breathing integration to enhance stability of the core
  • Personalized education 和 teaching of body skills required to recover 和 heal
  • Optimal goal setting 和 enhanced motivation training for home practice

在诊所里, you'll practice on well-known 普拉提 specialized equipment (reformer 和 秋千表) to experience moving without pain 和 to promote optimal recovery—one workout at a time. 普拉提 therapy is also complemented by traditional physical therapies as needed.


One good test of core strength 和 core endurance is being able to maintain a stable spine while lifting the chest, 腿在桌面的位置, 把腿伸展成45度角, 和 holding this stable position for an inhale of five counts 和 an exhale of five counts for 10 cycles. 



The reformer is a great machine to learn the basic 普拉提 exercises in an environment that will help you:

  • 卸下你的关节,
  • 稳定你的躯干,然后
  • get feedback to build your power 和 master your technique.

The black carriage is a moving table that has springs attached; it has with various levels of resistance to challenge your strength 和 core all in one session. The straps connect to your h和s or feet to guide you into different postures that are safe 和 supported.

通常, 大发娱乐先从你的背部开始锻炼,然后热身, 以你的呼吸为中心, 然后从大发娱乐开始.


The 秋千表 is a level up from the reformer. It:

  • 挑战你的核心力量,
  • 建立身体意识,并且
  • 建立核心控制.

One of the key differences between the reformer 和 the trapeze is the use of the springs for your legs 和 h和s instead of the straps for added resistance 和 控制 of movement. There is also a tower bar to guide more 灵活性 和 range of motion 和 much more.

The skills learned on the 秋千表 build core strength, 控制, 灵活性, 并支持关节对齐.

*Please contact your insurance company prior to making your appointment to verify your coverage 和 referral requirements regarding physical therapy benefits.




如果你做运动, 是40多岁还是50多岁, or have family 和 friends who are physically active, you’ve probably heard of the word "orthopedics.” But do you know what orthopedic doctors really do? And how do you know if you could benefit from seeing one?



At our 骨科损伤诊所, you can get an appointment the day you call. 来这家诊所治疗骨折, 混乱, 或者其他骨头的疼痛, 关节, 或者肌肉不会消失.



每个人都有身体. 为了照顾好它,你需要保持活跃. But no matter how careful you are, at some point or another, you may injure yourself. 你应该马上去看医生吗? Or is it better to take it easy 和 wait for the injury to heal on its own?

阅读症状 & 伤病名单


Physical therapy helps you improve your function, range of motion, 和 overall quality of life. It can help speed up healing from an injury, reduce pain, 和 prevent injury. 对一些人来说, physical therapy can significantly delay the need for surgery or help avoid it altogether.

