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What Is an Achilles Tendon Rupture?

跟腱断裂(也称为跟腱撕裂)是连接小腿肌肉和脚跟的厚带组织的损伤. 断裂可以发生在跟腱的任何地方,但最常见的是在中间. 大多数跟腱断裂的人在跟腱断裂时感觉或听到砰的一声.

How Do You 眼泪 Your Achilles Tendon?

当你参加比平时更激烈的活动时,你最有可能撕裂你的跟腱. Many people who tear their Achilles are weekend warriors, 或者那些只在业余时间进行高强度或剧烈锻炼的人.

Partial Achilles 眼泪

部分跟腱撕裂比完全撕裂要少见得多. 部分撕裂意味着跟腱的一些纤维已经撕裂,但不是全部. 的se injuries are rare and often don’t require treatment.

Achilles Tendonitis vs. 眼泪

跟腱炎是由重复性压力引起的肌腱炎症. 跟腱的小纤维可能会轻微断裂、肿胀或增厚. 跟腱断裂通常是肌腱的全层撕裂.

Achilles Tendon Rupture Symptoms

大多数人在跟腱撕裂后会立即感到疼痛. 的 pain usually goes away within a day or two. 跟腱断裂后,您可能还会出现以下症状:

  • Soft spot where the tendon tore
  • Calf muscle cramps
  • Loss of color to the injured area when applying pressure
  • Weakness when walking

Can You Walk If You 眼泪 Your Achilles Tendon?

You may feel some pain or weakness, 但你通常在跟腱撕裂后仍能行走.

When to See a Doctor for a 脚 Injury

How to Diagnose an Achilles 眼泪

骨科专家通常会根据临床检查来诊断跟腱断裂. 他们可能会用测试来评估你坐着和趴着时跟腱的强度. Sometimes, we use x射线 仔细观察跟腱和跟骨交界处的跟腱撕裂.

Achilles Tendon 眼泪 核磁共振成像

You may have an 核磁共振成像 or ultrasound 来诊断跟腱撕裂,这取决于受伤的程度和你的症状. 然而,大发娱乐不使用核磁共振成像来诊断大多数人的跟腱撕裂.

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Achilles Tendon Rupture Treatment

大发娱乐可以通过手术或不手术来治疗跟腱撕裂,这取决于受伤情况. 在接下来的几个星期里,你需要避免把重量放在受影响的脚上, no matter your treatment plan. This allows your tendon to heal sooner.

If you’re not undergoing surgery, 你需要穿一种特殊的鞋跟,鞋跟里有泡沫,让你的脚保持在一个更靠近跟腱边缘的位置. You will start moving your ankle gently and participating in physical therapy exercises after two to three weeks.

Achilles Tendon Repair

During Achilles tendon rupture surgery, 你的骨科医生会重新连接跟腱撕裂的两端. We often operate through small incisions (cuts) near the tear. 这通常是门诊手术,你可以在当天回家.

Achilles Tendon Surgery Recovery

You won't be able to bear weight for several weeks after surgery. 你的恢复时间会根据你的手术类型而有所不同. You will begin physical therapy to gently rehab your ankle. Most people will wear a cast for 6–12 weeks after the procedure.

Achilles Tendon Rupture Recovery Time

Healing from an Achilles tendon rupture can take some time. 你的医生可能会允许你在最初受伤后大约四到六个月慢慢恢复日常活动. Most people return to close to full function after recovery. 然而, 在受伤后的最初几个月里保持谨慎是很重要的,因为在受伤后的几个月里你更容易再次损伤跟腱. 最初受伤后的时间越长,你就越能恢复日常活动.

Can You 眼泪 Your Achilles Tendon Twice?

You can tear your Achilles tendon twice. 当你还在从伤病中恢复的时候,再次受伤的风险是最高的. Re-tears are less common as time passes after the initial injury.

How to Prevent an Achilles 眼泪

的re’s no guaranteed way to prevent an Achilles tendon tear. 在活动前做充分的热身和伸展运动可以大发娱乐降低你的风险. But Achilles tendon ruptures don’t always have a known cause.

Why Choose University of Utah Health?

At U of U Health, 你可以接触到西部山区最有经验的骨科专家. 的 University Orthopaedic Center 是由国内和国际公认的专家领导的他们研究新的治疗方法并在国际会议上展示大发娱乐的发现.

Our orthopedic specialists are renowned experts in ankle and foot pain, providing world-class, 可获得的护理,为急性损伤大发娱乐提供当日和次日预约. 大发娱乐专门从事足部和踝关节手术,拥有丰富的治疗娱乐和高水平运动员的经验.

Schedule an Appointment with a 脚 & Ankle Specialist

Contact our Orthopaedic 服务 拨打801-587-7109预约大发娱乐的骨科专家.


  • your primary care provider,
  • a provider in the urgent care or emergency room, or
  • a provider at our walk-in Orthopaedic Injury Clinic.

一些保险计划要求你从你的初级保健大发娱乐提供者那里得到推荐,以便去看专家,并将其纳入你的计划. 与你的保险公司核实一下,看看你的计划是否需要这样做,如果有必要的话,请转介.

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