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Whether it's from an accidental fall or a head-cracking tackle on the sports field, 脑震荡是一种常见的结果. Learn about the symptoms of a concussion from ER doctor Troy Madsen, MD, 什么时候该去看急诊.


Dr. 特洛伊马德森: What's a concussion and how do you know if you or your young athlete has one. Plus today on ER or Not how bad does a headache have to be to go to the ER? 我是博士. Troy Madsen Emergency Physician at the 大发娱乐 that's today on 范围 right after Health Headlines.

播音员: Medical news and research from University of Utah physicians and specialists you can use for a happier and healthier life. 您正在收听的是范围.

苏格兰人: 大发娱乐是健康头条. 我是斯科特·辛格皮尔. FDA今天批准了[哔]. 其他健康新闻[哔]. Does life make it impossible for you to get a workout in three or more times a week? Well good news because a recent study says how many times you exercise isn't as important as getting 150 minutes of exercise every week. People that only worked out once for 150 minutes were just as healthy as those that worked out more frequently according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology, 营养, 和新陈代谢. So even if it's just all day on Saturday to get in that 150 minutes get in any way you can.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 我自己就是一个狂热的锻炼者.

苏格兰人: 周末战士?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的完全. So if I can just take three hours go out hike, whatever, happy to hear that. Speaking of weekend warriors I was a warrior in the ER this weekend. Not my favorite thing to do as a weekend warrior, but one of the patients I've been... you know one of the patients I've seen recently in the ER is a young girl who's a cheerleader and her worst nightmare happened. 她被一个男啦啦队员举起来了, he dropped her from above his head she fell down hit herself right on the head. 她昏过去了,失去了知觉. I mean you can just imagine the drama at this scene with 15 high school cheerleaders around this girl who had just got knocked out.
So that's what we're talking about today; concussions. 那么脑震荡后大脑会发生什么呢? So every one of us has fluid around our brain and as we're moving our heads around that fluid just kind of keeps everything so it's not hitting the sides of your head or hitting the skull. 它有点像大脑的缓冲垫, but what happens in a concussion is that that fluid just doesn't do its job. 你被打得很重,大脑都在颤抖, 它击中了头骨, 这样你的大脑就会受到潜在的损伤. 它震动了周围的事物, 它会对电活动产生影响, 这就是让你失去意识的原因.
在这个女孩的情况下,显然她撞到了头, 她昏过去了, 当我看到她的时候,她看起来很棒. You know she was talking to me; she was alert, 适当的, 她的一些反应有点慢, 但这些都是大发娱乐经常看到的脑震荡. So the big question in my mind as an ER doctor when I see someone like this I want to say, "Okay was this just a concussion or when she hit her head and it rattled around in her skull did something worse happen?“所以我担心脑出血.
So the number one thing I look for as an emergency physician is do I need to get a CT scan of the brain. 幸运的是,CT扫描结果是阴性的. So at that point you're kind of left with well you know what do we do, and at this point it's kind of a long process of getting back to normal often times. People can have chronic issues with concussions where it can cause chronic headaches, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 混乱, 这些东西可以来来去去. 最近大发娱乐在新闻中看到很多关于足球运动员的报道, and a lot of the repeated head injuries some of the chronic issues with that where it may even cause personality changes, 记忆困难, even in some cases in some football players possibly contributing to suicide. So it's some really horrible potentially devastating things from you know what at first may even seem maybe even kind of a minor injury or maybe not too serious.
如果你头部受伤了怎么办? Well first of all if you've lost consciousness that's a concerning thing that should bring you to the ER. 我一直在寻找的另一件事是困惑, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 任何头晕, 走路困难, 当然还有任何神经系统症状,比如说话困难, 或麻木, 或者你的胳膊或腿刺痛. 这些都是脑震荡的症状, and all things that should bring you to the ER to get evaluated further.
So let's imagine you're a parent or a bystander of this situation where the cheerleader fell and hit her head. 她躺在地上不省人事,你该怎么办? Number one most people are going to wake up fairly quickly from a concussion, or from a head injury. Certainly if she's not responding call 911 get help there immediately, 但如果她有回应, 她很警觉, 她在跟你说话, 确保她的脊椎没事. 确保她的脊椎没有太大的压痛, and at that situation get her to the Emergency Department to get evaluated.
所以大发娱乐今天的得分是如果你撞到你的头, 如果你头部受伤, 注意那些恶心的症状, 呕吐, 混乱, 有什么问题吗?, 说话困难, 麻木, 一定要到急诊科来找大发娱乐, and once you're there we'll make sure everything's okay in terms of the brain itself, and then get you on the right track to hopefully get you back on your feet and feeling normal after a concussion.

苏格兰人: 严重到需要去急诊室吗? 现在就知道了. 这是镜上的"急诊与否.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 斯考特,今天《大发娱乐》的问题是什么?

苏格兰人: 好了,你准备好了吗?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 我想是的.

苏格兰人: 瑞秋...

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 这些总是很难回答的问题.

苏格兰人: 瑞秋 from Layton wants to know if you should go to the Emergency Room for a really bad headache. Now she's talking about worse than just everyday headaches, is that a reason to go to the ER? 头痛,是不是急诊室?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: This is a great question, and this is one we get all the time in the ER. We see lots of people with headaches, and the question in my mind is always is it serious or not? If you have a headache that is different from headaches you usually have, 或者是非常严重的头痛,你应该去急诊室, 大发娱乐急诊室最关心的是脑出血. 现在你可能得了脑动脉瘤, 你大脑里的血管扩张了, 或者像气球一样膨胀, 这就会破裂, 这是我最担心的事.
If you've got a new sudden severe headache some people talk about it as a thunderclap headache, 感觉就像有雷声打在你头上. 这才是大发娱乐真正担心的地方. When you come into the ER in that situation we're typically going to get a CT scan. 扫描一下你的大脑,看看有没有出血的迹象. 如果是头痛,那就不一样了, or much more severe than what you've had before you really need to come in and get checked out.
Next week on 范围 I'll tell you what you can do if you see someone having a seizure, 把勺子放进他们嘴里是个好主意还是不好. 我是博士. 特洛伊·马德森,谢谢你收听《大发娱乐》.

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