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Sep 11, 2024

在南方,女性死于乳腺癌和宫颈癌的风险高于美国其他地区.S. regions. Kirtly Jones, MD, discusses the contributing factors, from health care access to economic barriers, that lead to these disparities. 了解政策变化、社区意识和改进访问如何改善这些统计数据.

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    Geographic Disparities in Cancer Mortality

    全国各地死于乳腺癌或宫颈癌的几率各不相同. Why is that?

    在美国,女性住在哪里可能是她死于宫颈癌和乳腺癌的主要因素. 在美国南部的一些州,女性死于这些癌症的风险最高. 这些州的妇女死于分娩的风险最高,死于任何形式的死亡率也最高, for any reason, for young women aged 15 to 44.


    Is it the latitude? Is it too much sun? Is it too hot? It's been a hot summer. I'm sure that's part of it. 嗯,这是环境因素,还是居住在那里的人? Or is it the health care policies in those states? It's actually all of these things and more. 从女性健康的七个领域来看,这是一个完美的问题.

    Racial Disparities in Cancer Mortality

    是否有些人更容易死于子宫颈癌或卵巢癌? And the answer is yes. And the hard question is why. 非裔美国女性比白人女性更容易死于宫颈癌和乳腺癌. 非裔美国女性可能更有可能接受一些健康检查, like Pap smears and mammograms, 根据《大发娱乐》,如果女性报名参加医疗保健,这些都是免费的.

    Health Insurance and Access to Care

    一些州还没有将医疗保险扩大到低收入妇女, so they may have no health insurance at all. In fact, 医疗保险覆盖率最低的州死于乳腺癌和宫颈癌的比例最高.

    The mammogram, screening for breast cancer, and the Pap smear, screening for cervical cancer, 可能在一些医疗中心为低收入妇女免费大发娱乐提供. The follow-up tests for abnormal screening tests, meaning the biopsy of the breast, extra imaging, or colposcopy looking at the cervix, and a biopsy of the abnormal areas, and treatment are not free. 许多妇女没有跟进,因为她们负担不起诊断和治疗的下一层测试.

    Emotional and Social Barriers to Health Care

    The effects of poverty and lower education, which may also cluster in the southern states, make this problem more acute. 妇女可能不知道在哪里或如何获得下一步的治疗, and they might put off therapy. 一些女性可能会觉得她们在医疗保健系统中不舒服. 宫颈活组织检查和乳房活组织检查感觉侵入性和疼痛. And they are. 这些是情感和社会领域的原因,可以增加妇女不寻求筛查和后续治疗.

    对于任何民族或种族的贫穷妇女来说,经济领域显然是一个问题. 如果各州没有扩大医疗补助计划以覆盖更多的低收入妇女, then access to health care becomes limited.

    Rural Health Care Access Challenges

    In states with a large rural population, 附近的医疗中心和医院可能会更少, leaving women to have to travel for next-level care. 宫颈癌和乳腺癌的死亡率被视为妇女获得保健机会较少的标志. 这是一个标志,表明女性在医疗保健方面存在各种差异. 南方各州的宫颈癌和乳腺癌死亡率较高,分娩死亡率也较高.

    Strategies to Improve Health Outcomes

    宫颈癌和乳腺癌的死亡是全国医疗保健差距的一个标志, what can be done? Well, 确保医院和保健中心在农村地区继续开放,有助于改善获得保健服务的机会. 获得医疗保险由州立法机构决定. 扩大医疗保险的覆盖面需要全州人民集中精力改善医疗保险的覆盖面. 关于健康检查重要性的教育, and in the case of cervical cancer, 有助于确保青少年前获得HPV疫苗, which can decrease the risk of cervical cancer. 在这个诊所关闭的时代,关于获得妇女生殖保健的重要性的全国讨论至关重要. 将以患者为中心的教育和资源集中在筛查和随访率最低的人群上是很重要的.

    全国各地的医疗保健差距应该得到解决,以便所有妇女及其子女和家庭都能过上具有最大潜力的生活. 如果您有更多的时间或对医疗保健差距感兴趣,请查看大发娱乐other podcasts on this topic. Wherever you live, 大发娱乐你爱的女人进行生殖健康检查,如果有问题,进行随访. 答案在于大发娱乐所有人,在于大发娱乐的家庭、大发娱乐的社区和大发娱乐的国家. And thanks for joining us on The Scope.