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University of Utah Burn Center

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University of Utah Burn Center

Sep 24, 2013

Dr. Stephen Morris, at the University of Utah Burn Center, 讨论为什么烧伤可能被认为是最严重的伤害. 他还谈到了大发娱乐全新的烧伤中心.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过上更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Host: Hot oil, barbeque grills, falling into a campfire; you know I don't think that there's much more that is more terrifying than a severe burn. We are here with Dr. 犹他大学烧伤中心医学主任斯蒂芬·莫里斯谈论严重烧伤病例, why they're so bad, 以及大发娱乐最近翻修的烧伤中心. Thank you for taking some time to talk to us today.

Dr. Stephen Morris: Thanks for having me.

Host: 对我来说,没有什么比严重烧伤更可怕的了. From a medical stand point is that the case as well? I mean that's kind of the worst of the worst. How bad is it?

Dr. Stephen Morris: Yeah the pain in and of itself is very terrifying. 我想大发娱乐所有人大发娱乐都有过小烧伤,大发娱乐知道它们有多痛.

Host: Yeah.

Dr. Stephen Morris: And we can imagine if a patient has fallen into hot water, or had severe flame burns, 超过一半的身体有多疼,以及对他们的影响有多严重.

Host: Yeah, 那么如果有人进来的话,烧伤会对人体造成哪些影响呢?

Dr. Stephen Morris: 大发娱乐最开始担心的是维持血液循环因为这是最先要做的事情之一.

Host: Really?

Dr. Stephen Morris: And the patience will lose fluids in there burns. 他们也会失去全身的水分,所以他们会变得非常肿胀, 他们会严重脱水,进入大发娱乐所说的烧伤休克, and so we have to worry about that. 同样,他们经常会有严重的呼吸问题. They can swell enough to block off their airways, 或者他们的肺部也会受到伤害,所以他们的肺不能正常工作,所以他们也会死于呼吸问题.

Host: Even if they just burn their legs it can affect the lungs?

Dr. Stephen Morris: Correct.

Host: And your circulation throughout your whole body?

Dr. Stephen Morris: Correct.

Host: What are your other concerns that you have? Are infections a concern?

Dr. Stephen Morris: And that's just what I was going to say, and the next thing...接下来要做的当然是把皮肤受损的地方覆盖起来因为你可以想象皮肤是一个重要的感染屏障.

Host: Yeah.

Dr. Stephen Morris: And so through their lungs, through their intestinal tract, 通过他们皮肤上的开放性伤口大发娱乐非常担心感染, 这最终成为烧伤患者死亡的原因之一.

Host: Okay, 所以当一个烧伤病人来的时候你要处理一些最初的问题, you try to take care of infection, what then? I mean the skin's damaged will it ever grow back?

Dr. Stephen Morris: It depends... 如果皮肤只是部分烧伤,那么下面的区域当然会再生. We call that a partial thickness, or second degree burn.

Host: Okay.

Dr. Stephen Morris: 但坦白说,如果它被烧透了,那皮肤就长不回来了.

Host: Yeah.

Dr. Stephen Morris: 这时就需要手术切除坏死组织并在受损部位植入新皮肤.

Host: And where do you get the new skin? Do you have like a skin bank here on site, or...?

Dr. Stephen Morris: 大发娱乐使用的皮肤库实际上起源于这家医院, now it has gotten much larger, and is off site, but the problem with bank skin is that it is temporary.

Host: Okay.

Dr. Stephen Morris: No matter where you get the skin, unless you have an identical twin that is, you have to use your own or it will reject. 大发娱乐不能使用像心脏移植这样的抗排斥药物, and lung transplants, and kidney transplants do because of the infection problems.

Host: Okay.

Dr. Stephen Morris: 所以皮肤必须来自受伤的病人.

Host: 所以你必须找到一些好的皮肤然后开始做移植手术?

Dr. Stephen Morris: 没错,这种移植叫做皮肤移植,这正是大发娱乐大发娱乐经常做的.

Host: 对于一个烧伤了15%到20%身体的人来说这个过程需要多长时间?

Dr. Stephen Morris: Well there's a generally accepted rule of thumb, maybe it's a little antiquated, but the rule of thumb is this, for every percent of your body surface area that's burned, and if you look at your hand, the palm surface, the fingers, and the palm together that is 1%.

Host: Okay.

Dr. Morris: 对于一个完全成年的成年人来说,这是一个相当大的区域, in a little child it would be much smaller.

Host: Yeah.

Dr. Stephen Morris: 但是大发娱乐估计每百分之一的烧伤都需要在医院里呆一天.

Host: Okay, wow.

Dr. Stephen Morris: So a 15% burn would be at least a couple of weeks.

Host: 好吧,跟我说说翻修后的烧伤中心吧. What makes this facility so incredible?

Dr. Stephen Morris: 我认为是在大发娱乐工作的人让它变得不可思议, 但他们需要一个能让他们真正工作的设施.

Host: Yeah.

Dr. Stephen Morris: 在过去的30年里,大发娱乐大发娱乐有一个烧伤科,有12张床,但现在已经不够用了. Certainly we're busier than we were back then, 但更重要的是,我认为大发娱乐学会了如何更好地照顾病人, 大发娱乐需要更新设备,这样大发娱乐才能把工作做得最好.

Host: 这家医院和老医院有什么不同,这对你更好地治疗病人有什么大发娱乐?

Dr. Stephen Morris: I think it's the space. We were so crowded it was actually fairly cramped. We have expanded to more than twice the area to take care of about the same number of patients and so it makes it much more comfortable for the patient; it makes it much more comfortable for the families, and the friends, of the patient.

Host: 在山间西部还有其他类似的烧伤中心吗?

Dr. Stephen Morris: 不,大发娱乐是所谓的认证烧伤中心,大发娱乐是独立评估的, and reviewed, 在丹佛和海岸之间没有像这个烧伤中心这样的地方.

Host: All right.

Dr. Stephen Morris: And from the Canadian Border down to Phoenix, 所以它确实是美国一个烧伤中心覆盖的最大区域.

Host: 这对病人和/或住在大发娱乐烧伤中心的五州地区的人来说意味着什么?

Dr. Stephen Morris: 那就意味着他们晚上睡觉的时候知道大发娱乐, you know God forbid that they're injured, but were they severely injured, 或者他们有严重的问题,他们可能会失去皮肤或有严重的伤口,有一个机构,在离家很近的地方,大发娱乐提供世界一流的护理.

Announcer: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.