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What to Do If You Get Shot with an Arrow

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What to Do If You Get Shot with an Arrow

Feb 12, 2014

假设丘比特用真正的箭射人,而不仅仅是爱的箭. What should you do if you were hit? Try to pull it out? Leave it in? Push it though like in the movies? Emergency department physician Dr. Troy Madsen talks about arrow injuries, 如果它发生在你身上,你不应该做什么,他们会如何移除它.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 好吧,让大发娱乐暂时假装丘比特是真的,他真的射出了爱情之箭. What should you do if you get hit? That's coming up next on The Scope.

Intro: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,你可以用它来过更快乐、更健康的生活. You're listening to The Scope.

Interviewer: We're with Dr. 大发娱乐急诊医学的特洛伊·马德森说. Have you ever seen a real arrow injury?

Dr. Troy Madsen: You know, I haven't. I was thinking about that. 我从没见过有人被箭射中. 似乎总有一天它会走进急诊室所以我最好知道该怎么处理它.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Troy Madsen: So maybe this Valentine's Day, maybe Cupid's arrow . . .

Interviewer: Is going to hit, [inaudible 00:00:36].

Dr. Troy Madsen: Who knows? Yeah, exactly.

Interviewer: So that's interesting to me. 在大发娱乐谈到箭头之前,你永远不知道你会在急诊室看到什么.

Dr. Troy Madsen: No.

Interviewer: 那么你怎么处理以前从未见过的东西呢,比如箭?

Dr. Troy Madsen: You know, 这是一件你必须仔细思考的事情,从abc开始,这就是它总是回到的地方. That's kind of the beauty of my job. You keep it simple.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Troy Madsen: And that works for me.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: So I always think ABCs. I make sure they're breathing okay. 如果他们脖子上有东西,我要确保他们的呼吸道通畅. 没有那么大的肿胀那会切断他们的气道. 确保他们有呼吸,确保他们的心脏跳动. 然后确保他们不会因为受伤而失血过多.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: 如果在任何时候他们没有这样做,我就会解决这个问题.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Troy Madsen: So that's kind of where I start.

Interviewer: 所以如果你从那里开始,一切都很好,那么你如何移除那个箭头呢? Is this something you want to do at home?

Dr. Troy Madsen: It's not.

Interviewer: I wouldn't think so because those things are nasty.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah, they are. 对箭最好的比喻就是鱼钩. 我确实见过很多鱼钩受伤的人,鱼钩的问题是一旦它超出了倒刺,你就有了你的箭, you've got the arrowhead, 它的末端有倒刺——一旦它超过了倒刺,如果你试着把它直接拉回来, it's going to cause more damage than when it went in.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Troy Madsen: So we have to kind of take a systematic approach. 我所见过的一件事就像被箭射中一样就是刀伤. 大发娱乐会在胸部看到刀伤,有时在颈部和腹部. 大发娱乐告诉病人的一件事也是大发娱乐经常提醒自己的一件事就是不要把它拔出来.
最重要的原因是刀子是否靠近心脏或部分刺穿了心脏或腹部或颈部的大血管, it may be sitting right there, it may have a little bit of blood pooled around it, it may have clotted, and if you pull it out, 它可能会释放出所有的血液,病人可能会很快失血而死.

Interviewer: Wow so taking it out, bad move for knives and arrows.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah, exactly.

Interviewer: All right.

Dr. Troy Madsen: For knives and arrows, you know, depending where it is. 如果你有一个箭头卡在你腿的某个部位而不是靠近大血管的地方, something like that, you know, 当它出来的时候,它并没有超越倒刺或者其他什么东西,它会把所有东西都撕成碎片, it's probably not a big deal. But not a bad idea to come to the ER, make sure everything's okay, 它不会影响任何大型血管或任何类似的问题.

Interviewer: All right, so now what do you do? The arrow, how do you remove it? What do you do in the ER?

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. So my next question is, let's say I see someone that, you know, 假设他们胸口插了一支箭或一把刀. 我的下一个问题是他到底坐在哪里我经常会做CT扫描, see exactly where it's located. Has it partially punctured the heart or a large vessel? 如果有的话,大发娱乐的血管外科医生就会到那里病人就得去手术室了.
任何时候,某种刀伤或箭都能穿透皮肤和组织进入腹部或胸腔, 这是一个典型的需要去手术室把它切除的人,因为第一, you know, 这是内部各种东西受损的问题,然后是第二点, there's the infection risk with that. 一旦你把东西放进去,就需要把它清理干净. 那个病人得吃几天抗生素.
So, you know, 这些事情可能比把东西拿出来然后说要复杂得多, "Ah, everything's going to be fine." There's a lot more internally that can be a problem.

Interviewer: So how would they get that arrow out though? They can't pull it backwards. 他们会像电影里那样把它一直推下去吗?

Dr. Troy Madsen: I guess you could. That may not be the best idea.

Interviewer: Yeah.

Dr. Troy Madsen: You know, 当然,在箭头末端有倒刺的箭头,你必须把它切掉,这样才能把它拔出来,这样就不会造成很大的伤害,当你把它拔出来的时候,就不会把东西拔出来.

Interviewer: That sounds like almost worse than a bullet. An arrow, maybe.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Yeah. It could be in terms of just . . . 我的意思是子弹子弹的问题是它的速度非常快它会弹回来引起内部的问题.

Interviewer: Okay.

Dr. Troy Madsen: So I guess depending what you're dealing with, 如果你只是在那里,你已经有了枪伤和箭伤,你正在处理相同的伤口, yeah, 如果你直接把箭头拔出来会引起更多的问题.

Interviewer: They all have their problems.

Dr. Troy Madsen: They all have their problems.

Interviewer: Really.

Dr. Troy Madsen: Either one is not a good situation.

Interviewer: All right. So your best advice is?

Dr. Troy Madsen: 我最好的建议是,如果你在情人节被丘比特之箭射中了,来急诊室吧. We'll make sure we take care of it.

Outro: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学电台的Scope.