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Bob Costas stepped down from hosting Olympic coverage for the first time since 1998 because of a painful case of pink eye. Dr. Troy Madsen from 大发娱乐 talks about Bob's pink eye, how he likely got it and why he believes it's lasting longer than Costas expected. He also tells you why you should NEVER wear contact lenses if you have pink eye.


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面试官: 鲍勃·科斯塔斯的眼睛感染. 是粉红色的眼睛吗?? 大发娱乐请来了博士. Troy Madsen, Emergency Room Medicine at the 大发娱乐. Dr. Madsen, you actually think what Bob Costas has is pink eye. 这是为什么??

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 好吧, 我认为这是一个重要的原因, 是因为它从一只眼睛开始吗, 然后传染给了另一个人. 这是典型的红眼病. 你某天早上醒来,发现它在一只眼睛里. 这很伤我的心. 它经常痒得要命. You just want to itch it, and just itching it just seems to make the pain even worse. And then typically from there it's going to spread to the other eye.

面试官: 所以他以为天要放晴了? Obviously, getting that information from somewhere, we can only assume a doctor, and it hasn't. 红眼病通常需要一段时间才能消退吗?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: It usually does, 但 I've been a little surprised at how severe this seems to have been. We often think pink eye is being caused by a bacteria. 可能是病毒引起的. 这总是很难说的. There's not a lot of testing we can necessarily do to tease that out.

面试官: 所以它可以是任意一个?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 可能是.

面试官: 相同的症状?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 可能是. 这是一个很大的挑战. If it's a virus, there's not much you can do for it. It just runs its course and gets better eventually. 如果是细菌, 大发娱乐开始给你滴抗生素, 但, 你知道, 不管, if I see someone who looks like they have pink eye, 我给他们滴抗生素. Just with the idea being that if it's a bacteria, at least I can treat that. Usually, it's going to get better within maybe three to four days.
His has gone on a little bit longer than I would've expected. Maybe it's some sort of a virus that's doing this. It's just going to have to run its course, and the antibiotics won't do much good for it. 也可能只是严重的细菌感染, and it's just taking time for those antibiotics to really work.

面试官: 那他怎么可能得了红眼病呢?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: Usually, you're going to get pink eye from another person. I mean, that's usually how it's transmitted, and usually it's by contact. So if you shook the hand maybe of someone who had pink eye who had touched their eye, and it may not even have been someone who you look at and say, “他们有红眼病." It may have been someone who had a very early case that had just started to develop, 细菌就在那里.
所以我不认为是酒店房间的问题. 你知道, I don't think you pick something up from the water, 流浪狗, 或者大发娱乐读到的其他东西.

面试官: 所以只是人对人转账?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 一般都是人对人. 一般, 通过接触, through maybe shaking hands with someone who had it or is in the early stages of it.

面试官: So do you feel the glasses are just a distraction trying to kind of hide it, 还是有别的目的?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 我认为这绝对是有目的的. Trying to wear contact lenses with pink eye, which I assume he does.

面试官: 他可能知道,当然.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 如果他现在戴着眼镜, unless he had Lasik done at some point or something, 你知道, then maybe he's just wearing glasses for a distraction. But contact lenses with pink eye are just unbearable.

面试官: 问题.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 你不能穿. 只会伤得太厉害. The other problem you run into is if you have a contact lens in there and you have a bacterial infection, 它只是用来抑制感染的, and it's going to prevent those antibiotics from getting dispersed all over the eye and really treating that infection well.

面试官: If it truly is an infection, he probably would want to throw out his contacts if he wore contacts?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 完全.

面试官: 因为题目里会有这个. 如果他再来一次,砰.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的. 完全正确. So if you're a contact lens wearer and you got pink eye, it can often be much more serious as well because you can also get an ulcer on the cornea. You actually get it where it erodes away the front part of your eye and can cause a really serious infection there.
That's the other thing we always look for if you come in the ER. I'll get in there with a very detailed exam with a microscope, 本质上, looking into your eye and looking for any evidence of that.

面试官: If somebody comes into the ER with pink eye, what do you do?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: If it all looks very straightforward pink eye, then I'll get them on antibiotic drops. It's a drop they're going to use, 你知道, four to five times a day. You got to use it four to five times a day to really get that to work. I would tell them, obviously, "Take precautions with work. Avoid hand contact with a lot of people where you could be spreading this to family members, 朋友, 或同事."
And then telling them, Expect that this is going to last for a few days.“在情况好转之前,情况会变得更糟. Use the drops in both eyes just because the one eye looks bad, you could already have an infection in the other eye." So just make sure you're treating both eyes to prevent something from developing. 预计这将是痛苦的. 你可能需要一些止痛药, 但 it is going to take a few days to really start to see this clear up.

男人: We're your daily dose of science, conversation, medicine. This is 范围, the University of Utah Health Sciences Radio.