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当地杂货店有这么多的牙齿美白选择, 很难知道哪些是真正能带来结果的. 牙医 阿曼·法哈图斯基,PSM, DDS, explains the 有效的ness of at-home whitening kits and the important ingredients that can genuinely brighten your smile and deliver the most bang for your buck.


面试官: 你对非处方牙齿美白套装感兴趣, 但你要确保它是安全的,而且, 更重要的是, 有效的. 你需要知道什么才能决定最适合你的牙齿美白选择? Dr. 阿尔曼Farhadtouski 他在犹他健康大学专攻牙科.


我的第一个问题是. 法哈图斯基,你在商店买的美白牙套带回家真的有用吗?

Dr. Farhadtouski: 给你一个简单的答案,是的. 但大发娱乐应该澄清一些关键的区别. 这取决于这种非处方药的有效成分是什么. 有两种类型, 过氧化氢的两种形式, 过氧化氢, 过氧化脲, 用来美白的. 它们是有效的. 它们确实有用. 所以如果你正在使用的美白工具包列出了该产品, 你可以放心,它会有效的.


面试官: 好吧. 这是有效的. 他们安全吗??

Dr. Farhadtouski: If you use the product as per the manufacturer's recommendations and you're using them appropriately and for the duration of time that is recommended, 然后是的, 它们对你的牙齿很安全.

面试官: 好吧. Are there any particular patients that shouldn't use an over-the-counter teeth whitening kit and maybe they should talk to their dentist first? 或者任何想用它的人, 只要你按照说明使用就行, 你会没事的.

Dr. Farhadtouski: So, 是的, and I think the most important takeaway point from this discussion that we could have is that regardless of what the dental treatment is that you're considering undergoing, 甚至那些你可以在家里做的, it's always important for you to discuss it with the appropriate dental professional and make sure that they're explaining this to you in a manner which you fully understand.

举个例子,我这么说是什么意思? 如果你想做美白, 例如, 在家里,你有一种情况,你就像, “好吧, 我不喜欢这样. I'm going to just take the initiative and I'm just going to use my at-home or over-the-counter whitening and try it.“你试了试,什么也没发生,什么也没发生,什么也没发生, 你会说, “为什么这不起作用?"

That could be a situation where if you had that discussion with the appropriate healthcare professional, 他们可以大发娱乐你理解, 一般来说, the different types of staining that can take place on each tooth that may contribute to the aesthetics of it, 以及美白是否适合你的具体问题, 如果它能解决这个问题.

And let's get into that a little bit to help educate our folks who are listening so they can also have some background information. 所以,一般来说,牙齿上有两种染色. 你有内在染色, 牙齿内部的染色, 还有外源性染色, 牙齿外面的染色.

内源性染色可以由很多因素引起, 例如,在母亲怀孕或怀孕期间使用某些药物. 你可能会因为氟中毒而出现白斑. 例如,你的牙齿可能因外伤或其他发育异常而变黑. 美白不会影响内在染色. 所以不管产物的浓度或者你用了多长时间, 你不会找到你想要的答案. 而外源性染色,他们是由美白大发娱乐.

It's very important for us to be able to help you determine what kind of staining you have and make an appropriate recommendation after that. That's where really discussing what your concerns are with the appropriate healthcare professional can be very impactful.

专业与. 在家美白牙齿

面试官: 非处方药套装和我在牙科诊所买的一样有效吗? 我知道有些牙科诊所确实大发娱乐提供牙齿美白服务.

Dr. Farhadtouski: 是的,绝对. 所以,是的,它们同样有效. The active ingredient in the over-the-counter whitening kits that you can buy is one of the two active ingredients that we talked about. And it's the same ingredient that we use in a dental office when we're doing a professional cleaning.

你会注意到的唯一区别是有效成分的浓度. And the concentration just affects how rapidly you can get to that endpoint that you're trying to get to.

如果你注意到, 如果你购买了非处方药, 你可能要花几个星期才能到达你要去的地方, 而, 专业清洗, 你去一次牙科诊所就能做到.

面试官: 哦,哇. 好吧.

Dr. Farhadtouski: 但凡事都有利有弊, 如果我有选择的话, 我建议我的病人慢慢开始. 原因是美白最常见的副作用是敏感, 对大多数人来说,这种敏感会消失的. But the faster we make that transition and the higher concentration of the active ingredients we use, 你就越有可能体验到这种敏感.

这就是为什么我建议大家这么做, 如果他们真的使用了家庭用品, 慢慢来, 研究那些较小的浓度, 然后从大发娱乐开始.

面试官: 好吧. 是的, 因为如果大发娱乐要做牙齿美白, 大发娱乐可能希望他们尽快变白, but taking some time sounds like a good idea because it could cut down on that sensitivity side effect.

当我使用家庭工具时, how long should I expect the results that I see after I've used it a few times to last without using it? Or is this something I'm going to be using kind of for the rest of my life if I want to keep that level of whiteness?

Dr. Farhadtouski: 两者都有一点. 那么它是永久性的吗?? No. 这有助于理解为什么会发生染色. 染色可能是顽固的牙菌斑附着在牙齿上的结果, 这些空斑有时含有某些能产生颜色的化合物. What our peroxide products are doing is they are affecting and breaking down the bonds in these chemicals that create color. 所以它们无法完成自己的工作,也就是制造颜色.

现在, 随着时间的推移, these bonds re-form and that's where you notice that the brightness that you had noticed has dimmed a little bit. 所以如果你想要维持它,你可能需要一直这样做.

But I also think that proper oral hygiene as well as routine dental cleanings should automatically be a part of your routine to make sure that what you're trying to address isn't actually more appropriately addressed through other means.


面试官: 明白了吗. 然后当我使用牙齿美白套件时,我的牙齿能有多白呢?

Dr. Farhadtouski: 这是困难的. 这对我来说很难说,因为每个人都会有一点不同. 大发娱乐的牙齿天生就有黄色的阴影和黄色的色调, 对于一些个体来说,黄色更突出一些, 对于一些人来说, 它不那么突出.

同样,大发娱乐的内牙层,牙本质,在牙釉质下面一层,也是黄色的. 所以如果大发娱乐有一些人牙釉质有点薄或者不那么明显, 这种发黄也可以表现出来, 但大发娱乐不能通过美白来纠正这一点.

所以我认为这很难说, “是的, 如果你长时间使用它,你会注意到X百分比的亮度." But if you use it appropriately and you're actually trying to address extrinsic staining and it's after your cleaning and you have good proper oral hygiene, 你应该能看到一些亮度.


面试官: 所以我的结论是,非处方牙齿美白套装是有效的, 如果按照说明书正确使用,它们是安全的, 它们确实有效.

Dr. Farhadtouski: 如果你正在考虑牙齿美白, 我想请你记住一些因素. 首先也是最重要的, there are unique patient factors and there are unique health factors that may make an individual not a suitable candidate for whitening.

So it's very important to have that discussion and have a thorough explanation to your oral health provider of your medical history because that may determine whether or not you can proceed with this treatment.

面试官: 不管它是否有效,是否安全?

病人 Safety, Oral Health, and Caution with Online Trends When Considering 在家美白牙齿

Dr. Farhadtouski: 完全. 这更多的是安全问题. 所以,对我来说,病人的安全永远是最重要的. 这是第一个.

The second thing is we also have to make sure that the mouth is healthy and we have a stable oral environment. 我想作为牙医,如果我帮你美白牙齿,可能会对你造成伤害, but you have a mouthful of cavities than if I address the cavities and then we discuss things that are more elective. 所以我强烈建议患者在考虑这个问题之前先保持口腔健康.

最后, 有些情况下,染色, 变色的, 或者患者的审美问题不一定是由于天生的牙齿, 但是在他们可以看到的地方有一个现有的修复.

修复, 特别是大发娱乐的传统填充材料, 会随着时间的推移而变脏, 特别是如果一个人更有可能喝深色的液体, 比如葡萄酒, 咖啡, 或茶, 或者如果他们是吸烟者, 或者也许材料的颜色更合适,因为它是很久以前做的.

So that can also be something that contributes to dissatisfaction with the aesthetics of a patient's smile, 而且牙齿美白产品不会让你以前的填充物更亮.

面试官: Anything that you want to throw at the end here for somebody who's made it through this whole conversation? 他们的外卖会是什么?

Dr. Farhadtouski: 诚实, 我会说, 再一次。, 请, 请, 请 take the time and discuss any treatment that you are considering with a healthcare provider prior to initiating that treatment.

确保你的口腔健康检查是最新的, 在做一, 在进行这个之前你要有一个稳定的口腔环境.

And really make sure that the problems that you have can even be addressed by these over-the-counter whitening products.

我要说的最后一件事, 因为它现在是如此普遍, is 我会说 to the folks who have taken the time to hang out with us and listen to this to 请 be wary of online trends and at-home whitening things.

There are a lot of videos that talk about either using certain fruits or certain foods that may make your teeth appear whiter. 这实际上是一个非常暂时的事情. 它们实际上是在利用食物的酸性来让你的牙齿脱水, 这使得它们在很短的时间内看起来更亮.

但这种美白效果并不持久, 从大发娱乐之前关于食物如何改变口腔环境的讨论中, having an acidic environment constantly is actually much more harmful to the long-term health of your teeth.