让万圣节更安全 & 食物过敏儿童的乐趣

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让万圣节更安全 & 食物过敏儿童的乐趣


万圣节充满了令人毛骨悚然的乐趣和甜食, 但是对于食物过敏的孩子, 这真的很可怕. 儿科医生 埃莉·布朗斯坦,医学博士, provides parents with strategies to ensure a safe and enjoyable holiday. 从不给糖就捣蛋到化装舞会和公共活动, 发现避开潜在危险的方法. Plus, learn about the emerging teal pumpkin trend—a symbol for safe, allergy-friendly festivities.


面试官: For kids, Halloween can be an exciting time of dressing up and having sweet treats. 但对于有食物过敏孩子的父母, it may be a difficult season to navigate as we want our kids to enjoy the festivities, 但大发娱乐也想保证他们的安全. Joining us today is board-certified pediatrician and member of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Dr. 艾莉布朗斯坦.

我想问的第一个问题是, can kids with food allergies still have fun around Halloween?

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 是的,即使你对食物过敏,孩子们仍然可以玩得开心. 你只需要做好计划.


面试官: So what would you say maybe it's a parent's first Halloween with a kid with food allergies? Let's kind of go through some of the things that t嘿 should maybe be aware of so t嘿 can kind of navigate, and I'd like to start with the big marquee event of Halloween, 哪个是不给糖就捣蛋. What should these parents do when it's their first time doing this with their kid, 他们应该注意什么呢? What are some strategies t嘿 may have to make sure t嘿 can keep their kid safe and the kid can have some fun?

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 所以如果你取, 例如, 花生过敏, 你知道你的孩子对花生过敏, 第一个问题是你的孩子有多严重? Sometimes folks can do 好吧 if t嘿 touch peanuts but don't eat them. Sometimes t嘿 can't be in the room where someone else is eating them. 所以首先要知道你的孩子有多严重.

Assuming that t嘿 can be around some peanuts, go trick-or-treating, and have a good time. Remind them or be aware of what t嘿're grabbing so that if t嘿 choose to eat something on the route, 你知道它是花生安全的 . . .

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: . . . 或者不含花生. And then I would suggest that families have a stash of candy or treats that the child enjoys, 当你回到家, 把它们换掉. 你知道?

面试官: 哦,好吧.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 说得好像我要一个一样. 你可以尝尝这个. 随你怎么处置. 让它变得更有趣. 希望, there's more than one thing that you can pick and choose from so your kid can trade out the things that are not safe for them for things that t嘿 can enjoy.

If your kid is more allergic and really can't be around like things with peanuts, there are some folks who are allergic enough that if it's made in a plant where peanuts are manufactured or dealt with in other products, 这些孩子可能会生病.

面试官: 哦,哇. 好吧.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: And if you're that severe, then you might have to do something different. And if you're going to a house where someone has peanut-containing treats, 你可能需要做不同的安排.


面试官: 什么样的安排? 因为我的下一个问题是关于这种派对的. 我的意思是, 即使是小时候, one of my favorite things was going to a friend's house and dressing up and bobbing for apples and all the classics. What about if a child is going over to one of their friends' houses and we know that maybe t嘿 have a very severe allergy? 父母能做些什么来确保孩子的安全? 它是在呼叫前方吗?? 是自带零食吗? Like what are some strategies t嘿 could do for a Halloween party?

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 可能两者都有.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: So I'm going to bet that if you're going to a friend's house that that friend is aware, 那个妈妈打电话说, “嘿, 别忘了我的孩子对花生过敏. 它们不能和花生在一个房间里."

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 所以你要检查并计划成功. Or if it's not that severe and you can be around and there are peanuts in some of the stuff, 那就, 好吧, I'm going to send my kid or I'm going to give the adult a bag of treats that are safe for my kid so should t嘿 win an event, 他们得到了款待. 他们可以得到一些东西.


面试官: 那公共事件呢? Maybe you go to corn mazes or any of these other kinds of things that happen around this time. Are there any considerations that parents should keep in the back of their minds or things that t嘿 should do to kind of strategize for their children's allergies?

Dr. 布朗斯坦: The parent with a kid with food allergies almost has to stay one step ahead of them.

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 就像“大发娱乐要去哪里?? 大发娱乐在做什么?? 那里会有什么? What's likely to be available and what's likely to be something that my kid could partake in or couldn't partake in?"

One thing there is a campaign that's been out for a couple of years about teal pumpkins.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: So some people will put them in their windows indicating that t嘿 have allergen-free treats for kids who have allergies. I've also seen people talking about the kids themselves carrying the teal pumpkins . . .

面试官: Oh.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: . . . 这样就有人知道了, oh, 这是一个过敏的孩子, and I need to put something in their pumpkin that does not contain peanuts. 并不是每个人都意识到它的复杂性. So someone might not know that your child carrying that is a sign that t嘿 need something that's allergen-free. 并不是每个人都能避免所有的过敏原.

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 花生是最重要的. 这很简单. 其他坚果也是一个问题. 对小麦或牛奶过敏的人怎么办?

面试官: 确定.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: Just it's very hard to have something that can be good for everybody unless it's not edible, 然后是一种不同的待遇.

面试官: 正确的. 我想我以前没有听说过蓝绿色的南瓜. So this is something where even if the person is not a parent of a child with allergies, 他们可以确保他们有额外的喜欢, 我不知道, 给孩子的玩具或不含过敏成分的零食?

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 是的,就是这个意思.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: I will say I heard about it from a friend, going through the medical community.

面试官: 好吧.

Dr. 布朗斯坦: So I think it would be wonderful if it was something everyone is aware of, 我认为它会很好地工作. I think right now if you see it and you know about it, you can utilize that information. 但这并不是一个完全安全的选择. 你必须再次意识到.


面试官: 确定. 你会给什么建议, 也许是万圣节前夜, 这是前一天晚上, for parents who it's their first time ever dealing with something like this and t嘿're about to go out with their kids? 你能给他们什么样的建议来确保他们知道呢, 嘿, 你会玩得很开心的, 你就能保证你孩子的安全?

Dr. 布朗斯坦: 尽可能提前计划. These are parents who have probably been doing this since their kid was diagnosed with an allergy. 但是要做好准备. Parents need to be aware and stay one step ahead of their kids. 这样你就可以玩得开心了, 让你的孩子健康, and avoid visits to the ER you don't want and basically keep the evening fun, 这就是大发娱乐的目标.